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Artist Info:
As a take steps forward and look back at my older work I can see my growth as a artist in both 2-D and digital more and more. From just a little good swooning over anime and manga to an grown man in college for both game art and design. I can see the flaws in all my past and current works still, but I can see now more then anything is my growth in my trade. I still have a long way to go, but with instructors like criag brasco and donivan howard helping me improve; my goals can be reached soon I hope.<br />
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To those who doubted me, wished for my failure, because they hated me, and my work. Suck a dick and swallow it whole, even you haters all will play your roll. - Avg. rating:
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- 11 recent comments
Comments (70 Comments)
- Vengeful Dreamer - 04/17/2009
And the exhaustion sets in...maybe you'll do your college a favor and die from it, after all.
And before that sets you off, I'm kidding. Being fesicious. All life is precious. So do yourself a favor and stop trying so hard to think of responses. - Report As Spam
- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
- yeah well someone will take my place enjoy the flaming that your going to experience for the rest of your life and know that you have made me feel better about the flaws in my own art
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
- Your the joke an embarrasment to art itself simply relating you to art is like slapping every artist in all of history in the face you suck get it through your thick skull
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
- More experience? your just some little douche that needs to get laid Ive had more of a life than most people my age so learn the facts before you speak up
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
- Maybe its time for you to get a real job the whole art thing is never going to work out for you Ive imparted all the wisdom I care to waste on somebody as ignorant as you so peace out
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
How is what I said an insult its plain fact your not a very good artist you think youve gotten into an art college so what im being poached by a number of different coleges and corses If you want to draw hentai good for you but keep it off gaia though on some sites meant for hentai your just going to get plain insults.
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
- You may think your art is cool and controversial like the works of vangoth and your only copping flak because your all deep and artistic but the fact is this is roughly drawn porn I wouldnt eveng glance at this if I was looking for porn and as for your supposed acceptance compared to my "pissing my pants" Ill leave a nice ******** message in the first page of my first published manga for you and maybe when your trying to mooch change art degree in one hand tin can in the other you might spot it
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