• heart
    Marion's Mysterious Romatic Murder heart

    Characters: Rhonda-main character
    Jimmy- other main character
    Murderer- murderer

    One day, Jimmy was at work. His cheif gave Jimmy a case where there have been 12 murders within the city, The last murder was a 10-year-old girl named Twyla (twyla is my little sister...she wanted to be in my story). As Jimmy took the files from the cheif, the boss introduced Jimmy to his partner on the case. "This is Rhonda", he said. Jimmy looked at Rhonda and fell in lerv. "Let's go", Jimmy said in the most manly voice he could muster.
    Upon the crime scene, Jimmy and Rhonda made love...yep...right on top of Twyla's chalk siloulette (hope i spelled that right...). "I love you Juanita", Jimmy said. "But you just met me. And my name is Rhonda, Guierrmo", Rhonda said. "So", said JImmy. Once done, Jimmy declared they should rest for the night. They went home....separately.
    The next day, Rhonda was informed that Jimmy was killed by the murderer. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed Rhonda," I loved him!!! "You just me him", the cheif said. "Shut-up! You know nothing!" Rhonda then shot the cheif out of anger. Conviently (probably another case of bad spelling...), no one was around to see this.
    Rhonda went out to seek out the murderer of her "lover". All of the sudden, a cloaked figure came out. "OK, it was me", the person said. Rhonda gasped. "Aren't you Jimmy's wife?!" "Yes," said the figure. "All of those children I killed were his too. That cheating, lying, son Kratos (tales of symphonia humor). And now, you're next". Rhonda gasped and reached for the gun she didn't have. Just as the wife was just about to shoot Rhonda, she dropped dead at the sound of a gunshot. It was Jimmy!!! "Jimmy!", Rhonda said as she ran to him. "I love you," Rhonda said as she wept over his body. Jimmy smiled up at her and died. Wait...when did Jimmy fall to the ground? Did he shoot her from the ground? And how did Jimmy come back to life? Was he even dead to begin with? These are the things that we never find out because JImmy is dead and Rhonda was to upset to answer these questions for the tv interview. Anyways, before they took Jimmy away, Rhonda made love to him once more...yes made love to dead as a doornail Jimmy. Then she went to a far away city 2 miles away.

    THE END!!!! rofl