• As corina looked around herself she saw Shadow being hauled off by a what looked like a guard. "Corina help me!" shadow cried. Corina, by instint to help her little sister, ran as fast as the wind.
    "hold on Shadow I'm coming!"
    Shadow was struggling to get out of the guard's tight grasp.
    "Let go of me you Mother f**ker!!!"
    Shadow had a swearing problem.
    As Corina was catching up to the guard, the guard pulled out a bag which seemed to have powder in it. The guard then took out some powder and threw it to the ground. Both Shadow nad the guard was gone.
    "no, no,no.... Shadow? Shadow where are you?" Corina yelled.
    "Don't worry they'll be back" a voice said.
    "Who, whose there?" Siad Corina.
    A Handsome Teenager came out of nowhere
    "I'm Damien, Corina. you know like the prince of the next country over?"
    Corina's head was filled with questions.
    she thought to herself "First of all where am I, second prince, third HOW DOES HE KNOW MY NAME?!?!"
    She began to feel dizzy then fainted.

    Well i dont know when I'll write the next part but stay tuned!