• We all ran up the ramp to the second floor and down the shadowed hall to find the Spanish classroom. Inside was a half-dead Wayne on the floor with a silver bullet on his chest, reaching his heart. Since it was silver, I was afraid that it might have hurt him greatly. He may be a strong, century old vampire, but it could kill him if it doesn’t heal soon. I really hoped that he was going to be fine. We’ve been actually been friends since I was young, but just because we’re not that close anymore, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about him. Luna was kneeling by him, trying to help him, but she just isn’t strong enough to heal him herself.

    “Is he ok?” Felicity asked.

    “What happened?” Gabriel asked.

    “Well, there was somebody here; somebody with black wings, then there were a few gunshots and one hit him...” Charlotte explained.

    “He might not make it...” Luna said, giving up on the healing process.

    “Uh...maybe, I could...” I whispered.

    Then, I got nervous when the others looked at me suspiciously.

    “Maybe you could what?” Victoria asked, curiously.

    “Um...just watch this...” I muttered, taking off my gloves.

    I kneeled besides the bleeding vampire and lightly touched his forehead. Then, his wound started to heal slowly, the bullet sliding out. While he was healing, I felt the same pain in my chest that he was feeling. After a while, he was fully healed and I took my hand back, slowly waiting for the pain to go away. The others just stared at me in shock.

    “H-How... did you do that?” Jacob asked, still in shock.

    “Well, I’m actually an empathic healer too...” I said, slightly trembling from the pain.

    “What’s that?” Charlotte asked.

    “Someone who can heal others both physically and mentally through physical contact by sharing the pain...” I said.

    “Since when have you been one?” Fairyboy asked.

    “So many questions...I was born with the power, actually...I got my necromancy from my mother’s side of the family and I got empathic healing from my father’s side of the family...”

    “How come you never told us?” Felicity asked.

    “You guys never asked..! I mean, haven’t you guys ever wondered why I always wear gloves?” I said, grinning.

    “No...why do you?” Jason asked.

    “I can heal anybody through any kind of physical contact...through that, I can also feel your emotions, read your mind, see your cherished memories, etc. I wear gloves so I don’t invade your privacy when I got to hug you or something...”

    “So that’s how you brought Jason back to normal! You healed him mentally when you both-!” Sol tried so say before getting hit again by a stick throw by me, “I hate you...”

    “I love you too!” I said, smiling.

    “When they both what?” Fairyboy asked.

    “Nothing happened!” I said.

    “I knew this looked familiar...” Gabriel whispered, more to himself than to us.

    “What do you mean?” Victoria asked.

    “An old enemy of mine has an ability to create certain illusions, just like this one and trap people in it...” Gabriel said.

    “This is an illusion?” Felicity wondered.

    “Who’s doing this?” I asked.

    “Now, why would I tell you all? You guys probably don’t want to know...” Gabriel said, smirking evilly.

    “Look, ‘Kitty’! Tell us now...I’m not afraid to hurt you...” I muttered, almost growling.

    Gabriel just kept smirking.


    “Nope...not telling...” He replied, looking smug.

    “Tell me, or we’ll paint black whiskers again, like back on Halloween...” I threatened.

    The smirk on his face quickly dropped when he remembered the ambush that we had to do to hold him down and paint the whiskers on his face.

    “Fine, I’ll tell you. The thing is that I had this vampire friend whom I’ve kind of betrayed whose been trying to get back at me for years. Since I’ve been hanging out with you all lately, I guess you’re all going down with me..!” Gabriel said, feigning innocence.

    “Well, thanks for dragging us to our doom..!” Edward said.

    “No problem!” Gabriel said, grinning.

    “So, how do we get out of this illusion?” Tobi asked.

    “Easy! We take off our pants!” Sol replied.

    “Why?” Charlotte asked.

    “Because...pants are for the weak!!! (Inside joke) Sol yelled.

    All: *sweat drop*

    “Anyway... this illusion is like a game; you can either win it or find an exit. It’s pretty much impossible to win it so we’re going to have to find the exit out of here.” Gabriel explained.

    “And what kind of exit is it?” Jacob asked.

    “It can be anything; a door, a book, or maybe even a piece of chalk, but knowing my ‘friend’, it would be something vampire related...” Gabriel said.

    “Good kitty, Gabriel! Now, was that so hard?” I said, petting his head.

    Gabriel: -_- I’m not a real cat, you know..!

    “Are you sure?” I said, starting to scratch his random leopard ears.

    Gabriel: ^^ *purrs* (Leopards really do purr! ^^)

    “Aww! Who’s a good kitty?! You are! Yes, you are!” I said.

    Gabriel: Meow! ^^ (I know, leopards don’t actually meow, just bear with me >.< )

    The others just stared at us with ‘WTF?’ faces.

    “What?” We both asked in union.

    “Ok...hey, don’t we have vampire books in the school library?” Jason mentioned.

    “Yeah, maybe it’s one of those!” Felicity said.

    “Let’s go check..!” Tobi said.

    “Guys!!! There’s something outside!!!” Luna screeched in fear, pointing outside the glass door.

    I went to look through the door and saw a big, tall hiding in the shadows just when I saw it.

    “Holy Crap! That’s a Lamia!” I yelled.

    “A what?” Fairyboy asked, confused.

    “A Lamia. They’re like a half human, half snake creature, but legend says that they’re extinct; that they were all killed back in ancient Egypt, but I just saw one in the flesh...or scales or whatever...” I explained.

    "Well, we can’t let them hold us back...let’s go to the library...” Gabriel said.

    We all walked out of the classroom and walked down the hallway, looking from the ramp. Once we were going down the ramp, Solange started a small conversation with Jason.

    “Hey Jason? Do you like Eleanor?!”

    “Uh...why do you ask?” He asked, confused.

    “Man, you must have been really out of it! I mean, you and Eleanor just-!” Solange said before getting hit by a stick again, “Eleanor!”

    “Don’t look at me! It was Tobi!” I complained.

    Tobi: ^^ I just enjoy your pain..!

    Sol: -_- I hate you all...

    All: Love you too..!

    ***Hey Eleanor, what really happened between you and Jason?! *** Luna asked me telepathically.

    ***Well, um... Jason had gone into half-wolf mode and tried to eat Felicity, but she was defending herself with a stick, so I told her to wave the stick around and when she did, Jason acted like dog, obsessing over the stick. Then, Felicity just throws the stick at me, hitting my forehead, but then, Jason jumped me since he ran after the stick. Then, while we fell, we accidentally...kissed and since that is physical contact, I must have brought Jason back to normal with my empathic healing powers...*** I answered.

    ***Aww! You kissed him?!?! That’s so cute! ***

    ***Shut! Up! ***

    ***You two would look so cute together! ***

    ***Shut up!!! ***

    ***Aww..! Oh, Wait! What about Fairyboy? ***

    ***What about him? ***

    ***I though you liked him...***

    ***Are you insane?! I don’t like neither of them like that! I don’t even like Fairyboy at all! ***

    ***Oh... but you will! I’ll make sure you do! ***

    ***Wait, you’re not going to go all match-maker on me, are you?! ***

    ***Maybe...maybe not... ***

    ***No, don’t do it!!! ***


    ***Luna? ***


    ***Luna..?! ***


    ***Please, don’t do it!!! ***

    “Holy s**t! More Lamias!” Tobi said.

    Once we reached the school yard, we hid back when we saw a large group of green, scaly snake like humans. They had long, snake tails and human torsos with bright yellow eyes. They are all over the school yard, as if keeping a look out for us while protecting the library.

    “Something tells me that the exit really is in the library; otherwise, why would the Lamias be shielding it?” Fairyboy asked.

    “How are we going to sneak past all of those Lamias?” Victoria wondered.

    Then, as if on cue, a small gray mouse started to run around the school yard and the Lamias, probably being hungry, started to chase the poor little mouse, leaving the coast clear.

    “This is our chance, let’s go!” Charlotte said.

    We got out from our hiding spot and ran through the school yard towards the school library. During the way, I couldn’t help, but wonder the coincidence of that small mouse coming out of nowhere to help us.

    “Hey Eleanor, don’t you think that the whole mouse thing was a coincidence, right?” Wayne asked.

    “Of course not, I think it might have been...you know...him...” I whispered, not letting anybody else hear.

    “Probably...” Wayne said, before letting the conversation drop.

    You’re probably wondering who’s ‘him’, right? Well, you might never know...

    Then, we reached the library doors and rushed in. We closed the door and barricaded it, along with all the other entrances in there.

    “Ok, let’s slip us and look for the books!” Luna said.

    They all went into different directions. When I went to check in a certain row, Jacob grabbed a hold of my wrist and said,

    “I know where the book is; I dreamt about it once...”

    “Really?” I said, excited.

    He just nodded and pulled in to certain hallway at the end of the dark library. Apparently, Jacob is Clairvoyant; he can see the future in his sleep. Only I know about his hidden power. It’s strange that he told his best friend and not his own twin brother, Jason, but still, it makes me feel special that he only trusts me to keep his secret. We reached a single black bookshelf in the back of the room.

    “Ok, which one is it?” I asked, looking at the various books on the tall bookshelf.

    “It’s a dark brown book with two dragon of the cover...” He said.

    “This one?” I asked, pointing at the book right in front of me.

    “Yup, that’s the one..!” He grabbed the book.

    “Ok, let’s round up the others...”

    “By the way... I know about that ‘accidental’ kiss between you and my brother...” He said, grinning.

    “How do you know about that?!” I asked, shocked.

    “I dreamt it..!”

    “Do you dream everything?!”

    “Yeah, pretty much... you do realize I’m never going to let you live it down, right?”

    Me: -_- I know...

    We ran around the library for a while, trying to get everybody in one place. After we did, I took out the book and showed it to them. It was a brown book, made out of a strange material that resembled both metal and wood. The cover had two iron colored, angry dragons that seemed to be popping out of the cover.

    “Now that we have the book, how do we use it to get out of here?” Victoria asked.

    “We have to open it, but there’s a magical lock on it...” Gabriel said.

    Then, there were loud poundings on the library doors, almost knocking off the furniture barricading them. We panicked and stood away from the doors, fearing the worst. After a while of silence, the doors flew open along with the furniture and inside came a large army of Lamias.

    “Uh...what do we do know?” Sol whispered.

    “Well, I suggest that we...run!!!” Fairyboy said.

    We all ran into different directions, trying to get away from the evil, angry Lamias. I had the book in my hands while I ran down the science fiction section with Charlotte and Luna. We ran like crazy, going down countless rows, until we reached a dead end, along with all the others. Then, the Lamias that were chasing us found us there, slowly slithering towards us. I took out the book and shoved it in Fairyboy’s arms, saying,

    “Fairyboy, use your magic powers to open the lock on it before they get us...”

    Edward just scrabbled with the book a little before holding it right. Then, before the monsters could get us, he used a magical key to open the lock and threw open the book. After that, our entire surroundings seemed to melt down around us, along with the Lamias. Then, blackness surrounded us before we all woke up from our dream with a start, back on the plane.

    “Whoa..! That was awesome..!” Tobi yelled.

    We all just glared at him.

    “We almost lost our lives and you think that’s awesome?!” Wayne said.

    “Well......yeah!” Tobi said, grinning.

    All: -__- *tackle Tobi*

    Author's note:Poor Tobi..! ^^ So, how'd you like the chapter? Who is Gabriel's vengenful friend? Could it be the same person after Eleanor? If so, why? So many questions... find out next time! Sayonara!