• Chapter 2: All Aboard!

    “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me,” Merideth sang under her breath. Walking to John’s father’s old ship, the Empress, she was trying to decide what her new name should be. For she could not go by a female name on a pirate ship or else rape was far more likely to happen.
    Before she knew it she had arrived at the dock and had thought of a name. A man stopped her in her tracks as she tried to board the ship. “What is your name?” he asked.
    “Mer…,” she paused for a minute. “Chandler. Daniel Chandler. I’m a friend of the Captain.”
    “Well then, welcome aboard Danny.” Merideth glared at him. She’d always hated nicknames, save when it was from John.

    Walking up the gangplank, Merideth observed her surroundings. From the ship itself, to the crew. Not paying attention to where she was going, she accidently ran into a man. At first glance he seemed just like any of the other crewmates, as her vision cleared she realized that it was her beloved John.
    Though it took Merideth a while, John knew who she was immediately. He pulled her into a nearby cabin. “Merideth! What the bloody hell are you doing here?” John asked appalled.
    She stared at John for a moment in the dim light. Coming back to her senses she said to him, “Well, you remember when we were kids. Remember how we would always play pirate? Well that was so much fun that I wanted to become a real one.”
    “Piracy isn’t all fun and games. Once you become an official pirate, there’s no turning back.” He pulled back his sleeve and revealed a capital P on his wrist. “The governor, your very own father, did that to me. I wasn’t even a pirate at the time. He only did it because of the fact that my father was one. And now anyone can arrest me and turn me in for money. Once you become one, we brand you with our brand identifying you as part of the crew. Are you ready to do that?”
    Merideth hesitated, she didn’t even know what to say. “Yes John. I’m ready.”
    “All right then. For every new member of the crew a “welcome ceremony” is held. It’s not that big just that every crew member is there. Yours will be held tonight. I might grab a bottle of rum for the two of us afterwards.”
    They left the cabin and John hollered out “All right everyone! To your stations,” then to Merideth he added “And you will come with me.”
    Merideth followed the Captain ‘till they reached his quarters. He led them in and shut the door behind her. “Now, Merideth. What is it that I shall call you on this ship. You surely can’t go by a female name. You know what will happen.”
    Merideth sighed, “Yes, I know John. I would like to be called Daniel, after my father.”
    ”OK,” John exclaimed, “from this day forth, on this ship, you will be known as Daniel; umm what is your last name going to be?”
    Merideth thought back to what she had told the man who asked for her name. “I told someone my name was Daniel Chandler so Chandler will do.”
    John stood up for a moment and offered a hand to Merideth.
    “You can’t give me special treatment due to my sex,” Merideth told him. “It would give a hint to the rest of the crew.”
    He pondered what she just said and agreed. “Now, go to the galley and get me some rum and soup. You’re going to be my cabin boy for a while.”
    Merideth nodded and left. She walked to the ladder and climbed down to the galley. An odd smell tickled her nose. She sneezed and stepped back. Turning around she saw a large, dark skinned man.
    “Hey Runt! Watch where you’re goin’,” the burly man told her. “No one messes with Tuscan.”
    “Does Tuscan have a last name?” Merideth retorted.
    A fist came flying towards Merideth’s face. “Blanchard.”
    “You’re going to be bloody sorry you ever did that,” Merideth said with blood dribbling into her mouth.
    With that John came down to see what was taking Merideth so long with his soup. He had witnessed the punch Merideth had received and said “All right everyone. Get back to what you were doing,” for everyone had stopped to witness what was going on, “Tuscan, I don’t know whether or not to keep you as part of the crew or keel haul you once we get moving then kick you off of this ship. You’re a disgrace to the reputation my father put on this vessel,” he looked at Merideth. “Come with me Daniel, oh, and grab my soup too.”
    Merideth walked over and got a bowl of soup then followed John out. He led them back to his quarters. “What the hell do you think you were doing?!” John asked her astonished. “I don’t know if I told you this but you mean the world to me. Don’t you ever go pick a fight with a man larger than you.”
    Merideth closed her eyes and nodded then thought for a moment. “John, if I don’t toughen up, what will I do if we come into a fight with other pirates? I’d be dead within seconds,” she paused. “Help me.”
    “You make a strong point there Meri… err Daniel. Sorry. That may take a while to get used to. OK when we set sail, I will begin your training.”