• Chapter 1

    The prince sits in a room, arms chained to the wall, legs chained to the floor.
    He looks around a dim light room eyes slowly adjusting to the lack of light.
    Moving his arms slowly hearing the clanking against the wall he leans against a wall and licks his teeth, "Blood....i..need blood." The door flies open and light floods the room and a figure appears holding some thing that shines in his face. He moves his head trying to block the light out of his eyes. The figure approaches him and places a tray of a dead rat in front of him. The prince looks at the figure then at the food, "So, im not gonna die" his fangs show out of his lips as he smiles a toothy grin. Blood smears are visable on the walls around them and the figure bends down. "Im letting you eat..thats it" the figure says in a female voice. Prince looks at the girl "Hm...and what is your name?". The girl looks at him and notices his eyes flicker "You can call me Serenity". The price looks at her "Serenity....cute name, you can call me Prince Crimson". "Well Prince Crimson im letting you eat your rat and thats it" she says as she pulls out keychains and unlocks his arms. Crimson rubs his arms "Ok" he grabs the rat and sniffs it and looks at her "I'd suggest that you leave while i eat this". Serenity looks at Crimson and gets up "Ok have fun in the dark". She walks off and closes the door.