• I sat alone at lunch today as always my friends had ditched me when I said I didn't think the new guy was hot but I had reason which they didn't listen to. When I was in 3rd grade I had a crush on him but I didn't tell because he was my best friend then he ditched me for no reason and it broke my heart. The summer before Middle School my family and I moved so I thought that was the last time I would have to see his face and have the flashbacks start over again. I was a the funny person in my group of friends and I had a lot of them until he came back and they were all crushing on him and I said I didn't like him he looks like a jerk. They all ditched me and I still don't take back what I said about him being a jerk because he was and I can't forgive him.
    "The school dance is coming up students I hope everyone can come it is this Friday at 7pm the theme is Under the Stars" The principal said over the loud speaker.
    UGH! Now I remember my parents are making me go because it is a "good experience" but I think they just want me out of the house because I haven't gone out any where for a while. Hold on what day is it .... OMG its Thursday tomorrow is the dance I don't wanna go at all.
    "Wake up sleepy head" thats my mom for you annoying and to happy all the time.
    "I don't feel well so leave me alone" I groaned
    "It's just nervousness about the dance tonight. Did anyone ask you?"
    "No go away"
    After that I was dragged down the hall to the kitchen and had to eat the day went by to fast for me ,it was over before I knew it and now it was time for the dance. When we arrived at the school they had set the field up for a dance with decorations and lights in the trees and refreshments on tables.
    "Hey Ella over here" someone called to me
    "So what you are talking to me again" I snapped at Emily, one of the friends that ditched me.
    "Yeah sorry about that I didn't know you guys had known each other before and it ended bad" the apologize seemed sincere enough so I her continue ",I came here with him tonight and he explained the whole thing and after that I knew I had to talk to you about- are you crying?"
    "No" I whispered but my voice still cracked
    "Theres more to it isn't there"
    "A little well I had a crush on him before he stopped being my friend and it hurt me so bad that seeing him again made me so mad I couldn't let someone else get hurt by him thats why I called him a jerk."
    "WoW I don't know what to say but WOW."Emily sounded shocked
    "I'm sorry" I heard a voice say behind me "I really am sorry will you please forgive me I didn't know"
    "What who oh uhh" I turned to see who it was and it was and it was Nick my ex-best friend from 3rd grade.
    "Please forgive me I truly and sorry the truth is I liked you to but my brother found out and made fun of me for hanging out with you but never getting any farther in the relationship so I got sick of it one day and thats when I stopped being your friend which I have regretted but I knew we could never be friends again after hurting you so bad"
    "I would have been your friend maybe even more if you had just told me"
    "Does that mean I am forgiven?"He asked
    "I will have to think about it"
    "Well can you think while dancing"He said then asked"May I have this dance?"
    "Yes to both"
    We went out to the dance floor and we dance in the moonlight all night.
    "Eric I love you"
    "I love you to does this mean I am forgiven"
    "You're forgiven and I never wanna let go of you again you mean everything to me"
    When the last song ended we leaned in slowly and kissed under the stars that moonlit dance will be remembered forever.
    The End