• I stood looking over the edge. It sure was a long way down. Putting aside all my fears, I jumped.
    "What the hell are you doing?!" A man yelled from above me.
    I started to second guess my self. Oh well, I thought, too late now.
    Suddenly I felt a tug on the back of my shirt. All motion stopped. I slowly turned my head, and I was looking at the ethereal figure of my former best friend. She pulled me into a sitting position and gave me a look I could recognize even after two years.
    "Hey." she said, as if there was nothing strange about this scenario.
    "Um...Hi." I managed to stammer.
    "As the man so politely stated, what are doing?"
    "I don't know."
    "Oh don't give me that bs." she said, then mockingly "You hate your life, you hate your family. Nobody understands you, wah wah wah."
    "That's not true!" I yelled, offended.
    "Come on Rachel," she said, "look around. You're sitting in midair halfway down a canyon, and you're talking to me."
    I winced, "I don't know why." I said softly. The truth was, I honestly didn't. One moment I was walking home from school. The next, I was running through two lanes of traffic, making a mad dash for the canyon that only the stoners visit to secretly get high. Then I was falling through the air, having no clue what I was doing.
    "So," I said, "what about you. What happened you pretty much just dissapeared?"
    "Oh that was a discreet change of subject." she laughed, "Look around you. What do you think?"
    "You jumped?" I said, my eyes widening.
    "So did you."
    I swallowed a laugh, "Yeah, I guess I did. But I suppose you actually had a reason."
    "I hated my life, I hated my family. Nobody understood me, wah wah wah"
    "That wasn't true. You had me."
    She threw her hand to her forehead, "Dear god did I have you. Shelby let's do this. Shelby how bout that. Shelby you're so cool, I wish I could be just like you. Shelby! Shelby! Shelby! You weren't just my friend. You were my ball and chain."
    "I wasn't that clingy!"
    "Oh yes you were."
    I didn't have anything to say. I just floated, open mouth and very offended.
    "Well, if you wanted to be my friend forever. You came just in time."
    Without another sound, I was falling again. The canyon floor was rushing towards my face, and I braced myself for impact.