• Chapter Two: Determination

    Orion's limbs, still uneasy beneath his heavy figure, rushed him to the aid of the wolf carrying the body a distance away. Shouldering through the bustling excitement of the injured and the saviors, his emerald eyes washed over with an obvious ambiance of worry. Approaching the large male as he, with ease, lowered the still body onto the ground, Orion's gaze locked on the beaten figure which he could recognize from anywhere. The normally brilliant brown markings decorating the white pelt of the still wolf now blended in with the mud and muck clinging dryly to his fur, mixed with dark blood. Tufts of fur were missing to expose wounds, some still raw. The normally powerful eyes holding the brilliant color of sterling silver, so wise, were now hidden by lids.

    Tell-tale signs of age proved the wolf's identity; the rings of age present around the skin of his eyes. It was none other than Siorus, the great Alpha of the Earth wolves. Orion could never imagine him so still as he lay now, and deep inside he would now allow himself to conclude the great elder was dead. The wolf that had carried him in stood several feet away and watched, although Orion did not notice him now; almost as if hypnotized he focused on the greater wolf, his skull gently lowering as to touch his wet nose lightly onto the mangled body of the respected Siorus. His ears pulled back, a deep breath exhaled through his flared nostrils which touched Siorus' bony shoulder.

    Almost immediately Siorus stirred, his lids quickly peeling open to reveal cloudy eyes of a stormy silver, similar to that of a quarreling sky. His breaths were delivered with much effort, his side rising and falling at the quick pace that was evident of injury. Orion did not suppress a concerned whine, slowly pulling his head back a bit as he met Siorus' gaze. He could almost be sure that the kind-hearted elder would give one of those silly, easy-going smiles he always gave Orion, however he would be long awaiting such. Siorus did not make any further movements, however his brittle jaws parted to surely speak.

    "Orion, it is nice to see you by my side in one peace." Siorus joked lightly, his attempt at a chuckle erupting in a painful wheeze. "Tell me now, is it just you? Is it only you my old, worn eyes may see?" He questions in a voice so low and stern, Orion could almost be convinced it was not Siorus. However, in respect, Orion lowered himself to a lay beside the elder, crossing his paws and laying his mug upon them.

    "There are other survivors, great Siorus; we are not the only ones." Orion responded with ease, his tones almost as soft as Siorus, as to not startle him. However, Siorus could not hold back a frown to his words.

    "I am glad you are not the only one, Orion." Siorus corrected, his lids slowly aping his storm eyes again. "However, I can not say so much for my self." Orion became started to his words, and his ears perked forth with worry. His eyes widened to his hoarse words, a chill running down his spine.

    "What do you mean, Siorus? You are here, speaking to me now." Orion boldly corrected, his eyes narrowing as his ears pulled back again. Siorus' eyes opened to behold the strong affections of his packmate. The only comfort the old male could offer was a fragile grin that tugged with utmost effort at his dry lips.

    "Orion, you have always been very loyal to me and your pack. And so it does not surprise me that you are now denying what you know to be true." Siorus continued, his head turning slightly so he may better look at Orion. "I will not make it this time, dear Orion. But you must not let that hold you or the others back. I have raised you otherwise." His voice was now becoming crackled and hard to hear, as if the strain were becoming overwhelming.

    A bubbling pit of hatred and anger was beginning to lit in the depths of Orion's heart as he slowly stood, his posture erecting and his expression melting into that of hurt and disbelief. No longer could he contain these feelings, as the war that had evidently begun has taken much away from him; it has taken great Siorus from him. He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs, fighting to break free.

    "Who has done this to us, Siorus? Who could destroy the only home we have known, and taken your life?" Orion demanded, his voice quivering as the anger leaked into his vocals.

    "You know well who it was. You saw. Orion, I do not advise revenge. Violence is not our way." Siorus insisted with the last bit of strength he could gather. Clearing his throat momentarily, he continued, "Come closer to me, Orion, for I will not say next for all ears to catch."

    Orion lowered his skull to the Alpha's level, his ears perked to receive the precious words of the beloved packmate.

    "You will find aid in the lands of the wolves who fly." Siorus whispered, before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes for, what Orion could only assume, what would be the last time. Orion jerked his skull away quickly, his brows furrowing as he tried to settle his scattered mind for just a moment to contemplate what the elder had said. However, he could only turn away from the again still Siorus, taking a few steps towards where he had come from.

    As for what Siorus had spoken, Orion could not, for now, understand. What he could understand, is that he was told he, himself, did know who the attackers were. And it was now obvious, who they were. They had raided his lands with strength unseen before, prowess of their element to the full extent; they had trained. They had prepared. For the great Mother's sake, they had planned the whole thing out. And now that he knew, he couldn't even begin to wonder why; but, in all honestly, he could hardly care. All he knew, is that he would find the wolves that fly.

    And, despite Siorus' wishes, he would seek revenge of the Fire wolves.