• (On an early morning patrol bob and meowzers see a lady chasing a man with a purse)bob: maybe we should help them? meowzers: yyyyou c...c..can but im stayin up here c...c...cuz i dont wanna.(of course meowzers went to the bar after the evening patrol last night and drank like 20 beers so he had a major hangover.) bob:fine ill do it.sometimes i think you make me do all the work.(so bob flew down and puncked the man in the facehe fell to the ground nose bleeding and bob grabbed the purse)bob: here you go maam. lady: why thank you supercow why i think if you and superkitty up there wernt here neither would the city. bob: why thank you maam its just our job mrgreen lady: well anyway thank you for getting my purse back.bob:anytime maam.(meanwhile at dr. buttfaces lab)dr.:george wheres that wrench i need to finish the laser gun!!!!!!!!(dr.buttface has anger issues)george: right here sir. dr.:george. gorge:yes dr.?dr.: this is not a wrench!!!!!!!!!its a freaking piece of salami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!george i need a wrnch not salami!!!george:yes master i will get the wrench right away. (booom!!!!! crash!!!!! boom!)george: found it sir!dr.: give it here please.(george hands him the wrench and the dr. finishes the laser gun)dr.: get ready george we are going to destroy new yolk city!muahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!to be continued