• Dad: [he is a white man in his middle 40s, over-weight, somewhat bald with some of his black hair left on his head, driving red Toyota, cheery tone in voice]
    Ahh, a new town.

    Tora: [a white 16 year old girl, a little heavy with orange hair and black strands on the sides of her head like a tiger, stares out car window, pouty look on face]

    Dad: Don’t pout, you’ll like it here. There’s the new school, new friends, all in the city of highpoint, NC.

    Tora: [Still staring out car window]
    Why are we moving here?

    Dad: Because this is one of the cities with the highest crime rate. As a cop, it’s my job to protect people and I need a challenge.
    [Pulls up to new driveway]
    Well, here we are.

    Tora: [gets out of car, sees house, anime sweat drop]
    Wow, our old house looked better.

    Dad: It just needs some touch-up.
    [Opens door to inside of house, moves some boxes in]

    Tora: I like the outside of it better. [Carries in a box also]

    Kenchi: [tall, 14 ½ boy with dark hair]
    Welcome to the neighborhood.

    Dad: ah, you must be our new neighbor.

    Kenichi: yep

    Dad: well, I got to go to work. Bye kiddo.
    [Kisses forehead gets in car, drives away]

    Tora: [rolls eyes at her dad]
    Common in, I’ll brew you some tea.
    [Opens door to inside of house, invites Kenichi in]

    Tora and Kenichi enter Tora's kitchen

    Kenichi: [sits at kitchen table]
    I’m Kenchi.

    Tora: I’m Tora Schmaberda.
    [Puts kettle full of water on stove turns on fire]
    So you go to school around here?

    Kenichi: I just moved here in America from Hiroshima.

    Tora: I’m from a small town in Minnesota. So how you like America?

    Kenchi: I kind of do. When I’m 18 I’m going to move back there.

    Tora: so how old are you?

    Kenchi: 14 ½.
    Tora: o, I’m 16 1/2...
    [Sips tea silently]

    Kenchi: [blurts out] I really like you!

    Tora: [glances up, keeps sipping tea, and thinks]
    He doesn’t know what happened last year...

    Kenchi: Do you want to go out?

    Tora: [silent, thinks]
    He's nice but I need more time...
    [Says out loud]
    Umm, I like to get to know you better.

    Kenchi: Well, I’m a really good cook who likes to play video games and watch movies and I listen to Fukai Mori.

    Tora: [sets cup down]
    Well I know martial arts, speak a little bit of Nihongo, play video games, cook, and I like anime/manga

    Kenchi: Me too.

    Tora: Well, its getting late. I better get my stuff in my room
    [Picks up box]
    See ya at school Keni.
    [Carries box in bedroom, trips on floor board, bout to crash onto floor, scared look on face]

    Kenchi: [grabs her before she crashes, sigh]

    Tora: [faces close, stares in eye]
    [Gets up abruptly]
    Umm thank you.
    [Runs into room fast, closes door, heart racing, thinks]
    I haven't been that close to a boy since-...
    [Sinks slowly to ground, cries]

    Next day Tora's walking down the street to school

    Tora: [thinks]
    I can't get what happened yesterday out of my head...

    Kenichi: Hi Tora.

    Tora: [caught off guard]
    H-hi Keni.
    [Clears throat]
    So are you walking to school too?

    Kenichi: Yep.

    Tora: [thinks]
    Haven’t been like this since him...
    [Walks down street]

    Thug: Hey!

    Tora: Hm?

    Thug: You got money?

    Tora: [cold]
    None of your damn business.
    [Keeps walking]

    Both enter classroom

    Kenichi: Who was that guy?

    Tora: I don't know, some jerk.
    [Takes seat]

    Mexican guy: hey sinorita, I like your shirt. They complement your big boobs.

    Tora: [stays calm, doesn’t respond]

    Other Mexican guy: what wrong with you? He complemented you, you should thank him.

    Tora: [sits there silent]

    Kenchi: Leave her alone man!

    Mexican guy: [mocking]
    Ooo, what the big bad gook going to do bout it?

    Tora: [ignores them]

    Kenichi: What the ******** you say to me!?

    Tora: Just ignore them Keni, he’s basically an overgrown 3 year old looking for attention.

    Mexican guy: You little-
    [Bell rings, teacher walks in] This ain't over!

    Teacher: [teaches]

    Kenichi: [sleeps during class]

    Tora: [notices]

    Teacher: Kenchi! [Book slams]

    Kenchi AAUUHG!

    Teacher: You know I don't tolerate sleeping in class.

    Kenchi: I’m sorry; I couldn’t get any sleep last night.

    Teacher: Perhaps you should go to the nurse’s office and sleep there.

    Kenchi: K.
    [Gets up, carries stuff and walks out of class down to nurses office]

    Tora: [thinks]
    That’s weird, why would he be so tired?

    Later in the hallway

    Kenichi: Hey Tora.

    Tora: Hi Keni, you sleep ok?

    Kenichi: yeah.

    Tora: [hands notebook]
    I took notes for you while you were asleep.

    Kenichi: Thanks Tora.

    Tora: You're welcome.

    Tora goes to cafeteria to find seat and sits down

    Kenichi: Hi Tora.

    Tora: Hi Keni, want to eat with me?

    Kenichi: K.

    Tora: [acts warm to Kenchi, warm smile at him]
    What you have?

    Kenichi: Pizza, you?

    Tora: Handmade sushi.
    [Has only warm attitude towards Kenchi, eats]

    Kenichi: [gulps] I think you’re cute. [Blushes]

    Tora: [about to say something]

    White guy: awe, look at the cute freshman and sophomore couple.

    Kenchi: I don't care, I like you. Want to go out?
    [Nervous look on face]

    White guy: [$10 falls out of Tora’s pocket, guy behind her grabs] Finders keepers so it not stealing!
    [Big smirk on his face, laughs]

    Tora: [raises voice]
    Give it back!
    [Tries to grab money]

    White Guy: Make me c**t!
    [Raises money in air out of Tora’s reach]

    Tora: [stays calm]

    Guy: Baby c**t going to cry now?

    Kenchi: [punches guy hard in stomach, pissed look on face]

    Tora: Kenchi!
    [Runs off to tell teacher]

    Teacher: [walks over to where they are] what’s going on here!?

    Tora: [explains]
    Please don't punish Kenchi; he was only trying to help.
    [Begging look on face]

    Teacher: [gives her money back, calm tone]
    You won't be punished this time Kenchi but don’t use violence in this school.

    Kenichi: But she got bullied though!

    Teacher: Yes but as dr. king said violence is never the answer and breeds more violence.

    Tora: That’s true but sometimes we have to fight for what’s right.
    [Sticks up for Kenchi]

    Teacher: [frustrated]
    Do you want to be the one to go to detention Ms. Tora?

    Tora: [subdued]
    I’m sorry I spoke out of term sir.
    [Lowers head]

    Kenchi No punish me, she was trying to help!

    Teacher: [pager beeps]
    Ugh! I’ll deal with this later; I have more important things.
    [Drags guy down to office]

    Tora: [thinks]
    [Amazed look in eye]

    Kenchi: Tora?

    Tora: Uh,
    [Funny anime nervous]
    Look at the time, better get back to class see ya.
    [Runs off]

    Kenichi: K.

    Tora’s in cooking class

    Tora: [makes personal pizza]

    Kenichi: [knocks on door]

    Teacher: [lets Kenchi in]

    Tora: [thinks]
    It the only way I can think of to thank-
    [Sees Kenchi puts pizza in oven]

    Kenchi: Hi Tora.

    Tora: [funny surprised, anime sweat drop]
    H-hey Kenchi didn't expect to see you here. I-I mean Keni.
    [Inner Tora]

    Kenchi: Thanks for standing up for me today.
    Tora: It was nothing,
    [Takes pizza out]
    I made a pizza for-
    [Trips, hot pizza lands on Mexican guys lap]

    Mexican guy: s**t! That ******** hot!

    [Teacher not in room]

    Other kids: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

    Mexican guy: [pissed face, grabs Tora by the throat, punches]

    Tora; [thinks]
    I must not fight, not after last time...
    [Endures pain]

    Mexican guy: why you not fight? Common chika!

    Tora: [snaps, punches guy through wall, hair covers eyes]

    Kenchi: [kicks him in eye]

    Tora: [beats crap out of guy, gets blood all over, breaths heavy]

    Kenchi: Damn we kicked his a**! [Victory grin]

    Teacher: [sees, gasps, horrified look]

    Tora: [quiet]
    I’ll go to the principles office…
    [Walks away, hair still cover eyes]

    Kenchi: I did it… she didn’t hit him, I did.

    Teacher: [confused]

    Tora: [frowns, eyes tear up, runs off]

    Kenchi: Punish me.

    Teacher: Fine, go to the office.

    Kenchi: K. [walks out]

    Tora’s sitting in principle's office talking to principle

    Principle: You WANT to be punished?

    Tora: [sobs] Yes please, detention, suspension, anything!

    Kenchi: [barges in] Stop! I did it, don’t punish her!

    Principle: [confused]
    Ok then...
    [Writes her up for is]
    Here you go.
    [Gives slip]

    Tora: [takes slip, walks out]

    Kenchi: Tora-

    Tora: [stops]
    If I don't do this, it'll just keep happening...

    Kenchi: What’s going on?

    Tora: [sighs]
    Meet me at my house, I’ll explain...
    [Walks away]

    Kenichi: K.

    Later Kenchi and Tora are at Tora’s house in her room, raining outside

    Tora: [shows black belt w/numerous awards]
    I’m a world championship martial artist.

    Kenichi: Cool.

    Tora: But-... I dishonored it...

    Kenichi: What you do?

    Tora: In my old home, my old school, I was known by everyone. I use to hit people who messed with me. One day I beated up a kindergartener for spilling paint on me by accident. She eventually died in the hospital because of her injuries....
    [Bursts into tears]

    Kenichi: Umm that’s horrible.
    [Comforts her]

    Tora: I never want to fight again! I shouldn’t even have this belt!
    [Throws to ground, upset]

    Kenichi: [grips her]

    Tora: [caught off guard, eyes wide]

    Kenichi: [sad]
    I have fought before and killed my friend because of my ways

    Tora: [wipes eyes]
    You must be lying. I haven’t seen a violent bone in your body.

    Kenichi: I’m trying to change.

    Tora: [turns around back facing Kenchi]
    I didn’t want you to get close to me because I’ll probably hurt you physically/emotionally.

    Kenichi: well, I love you

    Tora: [eyes wide]
    [Turns around facing him again, hug]
    No one ever told me that...
    [Lightening strikes from outside, screams, holds tighter, face in chest, muffled]

    Kenichi: [laughs]

    Tora: [looks up @ him]

    Kenichi: [Frenches]

    Tora: [caught off guard, Frenches back]

    Kenichi: [holds her body, still kissing]
    Do you love me back Tora?

    Tora: [looks @ him in eye, blurts out]
    I love u 2 Kenchi!

    Kenichi: [kiss]

    Tora: [closes eyes slowly, kisses back]

    Kenichi: I wanted to hear you say that.

    Tora: I wanted to tell you-
    [Power goes out]
    Kuso! (Rats)
    [Comedy relief, funny mad]
    Why this always happens right when it’s the good part!
    [Goes on and on]

    Kenichi: [laughs]

    Tora and Kenchi now in kitchen

    Tora: [tries phone, sigh]
    Phone lines dead and no electricity.
    [Lights candles, raining really bad outside]
    I guess you'll have to stay here till the storm settles.

    Kenichi: Ok.

    In Tora’s room again

    Tora: [sets up bed]
    You can crash on my bed; I don't mind the sleeping bag.

    Kenichi: Nooo I will get the bag. This is your house anyways.

    Tora: You sure?

    Kenichi: I’m good.

    Tora: [walks into bathroom, takes off bra, changes in nightgown, walks out, thinks]
    I hope he won't notice I’m not wearing a bra.
    [Sits on bed, brushes hair, falls asleep, looks beautiful in sleep]

    Kenichi: [wakes up later, looks at her sleeping, thinks]
    She looks cute when she’s asleep.

    Tora: [still asleep hugging pillow]
    [Shirt lifted up a little]

    Kenichi: [blushes bad]

    Tora: [lips pucker a little in sleep]

    Kenichi: [thinks]
    I don’t want to get up.

    Tora: [mumbles in sleep]
    [Hugs pillow tighter]

    Kenichi: [still blushing]

    Tora: [can see little bit of panties show, still asleep]

    Kenichi: [nosebleed]

    Tora: [in sleep]
    [Kisses pillow]

    Kenichi: [thinks]
    So sexy…
    Tora: [wakes up]
    Mmmm Keni?
    [Sees him erect, covers eyes, blushes, embarrassed]

    Kenichi: Ummm I’m sorry o my god!

    Tora: [awkward, stutters] No, I-it my fault 4 seeing-… I-if you want to... take care of that I-I-
    [Walks out of room]

    Kenichi: [thinks]
    Noo, now she thinks I’m a pervert
    [Defeated face]

    Tora in kitchen cooking

    Tora: [thinks]
    Noooo! Now he thinks I’m a pervert.
    [Defeated face makes breakfast]

    Tora walks down hallway

    Kenichi: [still in Tora’s room, looks paranoid]

    Tora: [knocks on bedroom door]

    Kenichi: [opens door]
    Hey Tora, sorry bout last night-

    Tora: Um, I made some breakfast if you’re hungry.

    Kenichi: K.

    In dinning room

    Tora: [sets table, serves Kenichi bacon/eggs]

    Kenichi: [eats]

    Tora: Do you like it?

    Kenichi: Yes, the best food I ever had.

    Tora: What bout your moms?

    Kenichi: Yours is better than hers.

    Tora: [phone rings]
    At least the phones working.
    [Talks for a while]
    ...Yes sir...Thank you....
    [Drops phone, shocked]

    Policeman: Hello? Hello? Ms. Tora?

    Tora: [just stands there, traumatized]
    He's gone...Dead...

    Kenichi: Who?

    Tora: My dad....He's gone forever....

    Kenichi: [grips her tight]

    Tora: [bursts into tears]
    He got stabbed in the line of duty.
    [Hugs, cries into Kenichi's chest]
    I didn't even get to say goodbye!
    [Cries hard]

    Kenichi: [strokes hair]
    Tora: [while crying in Kenichi’s arms she has a flashback of before her and her dad came to highpoint]

    Both Tora and her dad in her bedroom of her old house in Minnesota in flashback

    {Tora: [upset tone]
    No I’m not moving! Why are you doing this to me!?

    Dad: [reasonable tone]
    I’m sorry but ever since your mom died I can’t keep up with the bills of this house. We have to move to a smaller house in the city so we won’t end up on the streets.

    Tora: I don’t care! You can’t do this to me! You’re always controlling my life like a drill sergeant! I hate you and I’ll never forgive you for this!}

    Back to today with Tora still crying in Kenichi’s arms at her house in NC

    Tora: [muffled] 1st my mom, now my dad. I’m an orphan!

    Kenichi: You can stay with me.

    Tora: I couldn’t do that; I don’t want to burden you.

    Kenichi: No, we love each other. And I stayed with you so just come with me

    Tora: What bout your parents?

    Kenichi: Well, they’re never home so I don't care.

    Tora: You've only known me for a few days, how you know its love?

    Kenichi: I can feel it in my heart. I was sleeping in class that day because I was thinking about you the night before.

    Tora: [sadness turns into determination]
    I’ll get a job and pay rent.

    Kenichi: No, I will pay for you.

    Tora: [nods, wipes eyes, gets stuff, packs]

    Kenichi: Ready?

    Both exit Tora’s house, enters Kenichi's house

    Tora: [amazed]
    Wow, your have a nicer house than mine.

    Kenichi: You can sleep in my sis’s room.

    Tora: Thank you.
    [Bows, puts stuff in Kenichi’s sis’s room, looks around house]

    Both in Kenichi's sis's room

    Kenichi: How’s the room?

    Tora: It’s the nicest room I’ve ever seen.

    Kenichi: Well, it’s your house too you know.

    Tora: [nods]

    Tora in kitchen

    Tora: [gets out vegetables and roast, puts them in Crockpot, turns on heat]

    Kenichi: What are you cooking Tora?

    Tora: Stew for dinner, should be done by five.

    Kenichi: K.

    Tora: [serious] I have to go down to the police station; my dad left a will for me.

    Kenichi: Ok.