• Lorien lay in bed in Samuel’s arms. She turned her head to take a look out the window and noticed that it was morning. Lorien groaned and buried her head under Samuel’s arm. He felt her movement and wrapped both arms around her and held her tightly to his body.

    “Samuel, you better get out of here. Mrs. Coldwell will be here in a few hours,” Lorien whispered, staring at his face. He looked at her and smiled.

    “Let her come,” Samuel whispered. Lorien smiled but turned her face to look at the ceiling.

    “What will she think when she sees us like this?” Lorien said worriedly.

    Samuel propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Lorien. “I don’t think she’ll mind. This is natural for people who are madly… no deeply in love,” Samuel said quietly.

    Lorien turned to look at him, slightly confused.

    “What did you just say?” Lorien whispered.

    “What? I said Mrs. Coldwell will probably understand because it’s natural when you’re in love,” Samuel said, staring at Lorien with a smile. She studied him carefully.

    “You love me?” Lorien asked, looking deeply into his eyes. Samuel kissed her lightly.

    “More than anything,” Samuel said when he pulled away and Lorien smiled and kissed him more passionately.

    Just at that moment Mrs. Coldwell walked in and gasped. Lorien quickly covered herself with the bed sheets looked at the old woman, embarrassed.

    “My apologies your Highnesses, please, get back to your… uh, business,” Mrs. Coldwell said worriedly and shuffled out of the room. Samuel chuckled and got out of bed and got changed. Lorien did the same.

    After she was changed, she went to look at herself in the mirror. Samuel came up behind her and kissed her on the cheek. Lorien gave him a small smile. Samuel looked at the reflection in the mirror. He noticed Lorien’s worried look.

    “I’m sorry,” Samuel said quietly, backing up by one step. Lorien turned around and looked at him, puzzled.

    “For what?” she asked him, confused.

    “I shouldn’t have said that I loved you yet. You probably think that it was too forward,” Samuel said, looking at the ground. Lorien held his hands gently in both of hers and bent down a little bit so she could look him in the eyes. He looked up again and Lorien stopped bending.

    “I’m not worried about that. I’m actually glad you said it because I feel the same way about you. I was just thinking about my mother. She went through so much just to protect this kingdom and I remember telling myself that I always wanted to be like her. Now, I’m scared. Mother wanted me to do so many little things but I could never do any of them, like getting married so that I would have someone to help me with the kingdom. I let her down with that,” Lorien said looking at him in the eyes. Samuel smiled.

    “What do you mean you have no one? Lorien, look who’s standing in front of you right now. You love me too right?” Samuel asked excitedly. Lorien nodded with a smile. “Then let’s fulfill what your mother wanted you to do. Let’s get married Lorien. You haven’t got much time before your mother’s counselors decide to find someone else to take over the kingdom for you. I can help you protect this kingdom. My brother and sister can take care of Translutia but you need me here,” Samuel said, looking at her with a large smile.

    Lorien thought for a minute. “Samuel, you thought that saying ‘I love you’ was too forward. Are sure you can manage with marriage?” Lorien asked worriedly. She was going to say something else but Samuel pulled something out of his suit pocket.

    “Lorien, I can manage as long as I have you,” Samuel said and he bent down on one knee. He opened a small black velvet box and revealed a simple diamond ring. Lorien gasped. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long but I am certain that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Princess Lorien of Bright Splendia, will you give me the honour of becoming you lawfully wedded husband? Will you marry me?” Samuel asked, staring at Lorien as tears filled her eyes.

    “Yes, Samuel. I will,” Lorien said. Samuel took Lorien’s left hand and slipped the ring on her finger. He stood up and lifted her off the ground to spin her in a circle.

    When her feet were on the ground again, Samuel spoke top Lorien quietly. “Sorry we had to rush things my love.” He said with a smile.

    “That doesn’t to me anymore. We’ll be together and that’s all that matters,” Lorien said and she kissed him. Suddenly, the image of the Captain found its way back to her mind and she pulled away from Samuel. Samuel looked at Lorien in confusion. Lorien shook her head at him with a smile.

    “Come Samuel, let’s go tell the whole kingdom the news,” Lorien said with a smile. Samuel laughed and she dragged him down the stairs into the throne room, where someone was waiting.