• Lillian Valentine Lovestruck was born March 9, 1993. She was born and raised in Paris, France. Her father a vampire, her mother a human. Her mother and father first met through work, you could say. Her mother was a human 'blood slave' for her father. One day, the man realized that blood wasn't enough, he had to have her. She lived a pretty normal life, as normal as a half vampire could, anyways. The girl had a pretty normal life, for her being what she was, until one fateful day. On March 27, 2006, when the girl was sixteen, she was abducted and sold. She was a beautiful girl, and a virgin. The man she was sold to raped her various times, and abused her as well. Two years later, her father tracked down her owner. He had slit Lillians throat,--the knife had the only type of poison that could kill a vampire on it--and she lay on the bed, dead as her father arrived. Her mother begged her guardian to help her daughter, and she did. She gave the girl a new soul. Though this saved her life, it did not give her back her vampiric being. Her entire family must now stay away from her. Her father and brother due to the bloodlust, her mother because of her father, and her sister due to her being a werewolf, not being able to be in the presence of humans. The only one that she has is Natsu. The girl now lives as a human, Natsu as her guardian angel now. Being told she was beautiful many times, she tried her hand at modelling, and it payed off. Her agent, Toxic Cullen, got her a major modelling career, which now brings her much money. She is very thankful to her agent and close friend. Though she seems happy, she can never quite get over what happened to her in the three years that she was missing. She stays quiet, and is often anti-social, and talks only to her employers and guardian.