• Life. Ah life. It finally had a meaning to me again after two long years of what felt like half of me was missing, the same field I'd lost my vampire family in is were I had regained them. Now life was extremely good here were I sat with my "sisters" (not bialogically) on their fancy three thousand dollar french sofa. My thoughts were inturupted by Seraina's annoyed complaint to Lilly "Would you stop that!?!" Lilly smirked back at her "Nope." I was so intranced in my new lively happieness of havng my vampires back that I was only dimly aware that Lilly had been flipping through chanels wildly. " You are such the annoying little sister!" Seraina replied to Lilly, Lilly stuck her tounge out at her. Suddenly Seraina jumped up off the couch next to me and grabbed Lilly off my other side immediately pinning her to the ground, then their movements became to fast for my weak human eyes to follow. Then their vampiress mother came out from the kitchen her expression blank suddenly became one of horror and anger. " Seraina, Lilly wrestiling match over NOW!!!!" I'd never heard their quiet,beutiful, blonde haired mother so loud or seen her so angry. Then their dark haired father glided out behind his wife (he also was clam and beutiful) "Whats going on Emily?" he said wrapping his pale arms arouner her waist. She pointed a finger at their statue still daughters still on the ground, Seraina had her fangs poised inches from Lilly's arm. "Your daughters are acting like monsters Stefan." he smiled and began to make a comment when she cut him off "No pun intended." his smile faded "Well Emily even though they are immortals they are only eight-teen unless after a hundred years or so they decide to..." she growled low and harsh " Ok ok I'm sorry!" he said raising his hands up from her waist. "Girls get up now like your mother told you to." Lilly and Seraina quickly got up so quickly it was hard to believe it had happened.Stefan turned back to Emily "I still dont see the harm in that.I mean they are young vampires fighting is to be..." she gestured to me and whispered "Yes I understand that but not in front of Kelly. We dont want to scare her off." Seraina turned to me and said "Oh Kelly I'm sorry! I didnt think about that we think of you so much as...im sorr-" I held up a hand and cut her off. "It's ok I mean I gotta get used to it I'm gonna be fighting you soon and you just taught me some killer moves." I blushed. All of them were staring at me ( I had been pushing the issue of me becoming a vampire scince there return three months ago) Emily nodded at Lilly then turned and went into the kitchen with Stefan right behind her. Seraina stared down at the floor "I'm not changing you." she said firmly, Lilly opened her mouth to say somthing but thought better of it and abruptly shut it. "Ok." I replied breezily. Seraina's head snapped up I suppose she was surprised at my willingness to agree with her "You don't haft to.Lilly,your,mom,your dad,Skyler when he returns...or...uh oh yea Violetta!" Seraina growled audibly. Lilly brushed past her and sat next to me then whispered in my ear " We all would love to have you be a vampire. And we would willingly adopt you and keep you with us for eternity but....Seraina...well she'll haft to warm up to it in her own time." she pulled away from me and smiled. I tried to smile back but couldnt force it. " let her warm up to it"???? how long would that take. Just then Emily came out of the kitchen "Kelly?" she asked "it's getting late do you want me to call your mother? If you want you can stay over." I frowned. "But I dont have any pajam-" she cut me off "Oh Lilly will lend you some I'll call your mother and tell her your staying." I smiled "Thanks" with that she was back in the kitchen. I went upstairs and Lilly gave me some of her exspensive top of the line silk pajamas, after I changed we sat on the small couch in her room and talked about the vampire world. I learned some interesting things like if a vampire is born a vampire they can controll their age after they've turned 100 (the first time), also that if you were not born a vampire your frozen at the age you were changed the only way to controll your age if u were bitten is to feed off another vampire (but this is very tromatizing for vampires so it isnt done often), and some less important things which I had already suspected like the fact that vampires dont sleep,also that all of them are extremely beutiful. Soon my eyelids got heavy and Lilly covered me with a blanket and left the room.~~~ The next day when I woke up I heard voices downstairs (which wasnt suprising scince vampires dont sleep). So I rolled off the couch,folded up the blanket Lilly had covered me with last night,got dressed and headed downstairs. As I walked into the livingroom I saw Seraina on a chair near the computer,Lilly was on the floor by the couch and Emily and Stefan must have been in the kitchen because the smell of food drifted into the livingroom. But the most signifcant thing in the here was Skyler. He was back from Italy and he was sitting on the couch with his arm around a beutiful girl. She was pale like everybody ealse in the room (excluding me) and beutiful. Her hair was black and long her eyes the most beutiful blue. This must be Violetta. "Skyler! your back!...and this is your mate Violetta?" he smiled at me "Hi Kelly. Yes this is her." his smiled widened and he reached over for her hand. "Hello Violetta." I said timidly " I'm Kelly. " she looked me over for a moment then said "Hello Kelly. Skyler told me about you,but who are you exactly to us again?" she had a heavy Italian accent. Seraina rushed to my aid "She's our best friend,but she's acutally more like a sister." Violetta gave me a sinister glance then said "Well I see you dont care enogh about her to change her." I heard Lilly growl at Violetta's feet while I just stood there mouth agape. "Actually we care TO MUCH for her to change her. In my eyes human life is very simple and nice. Plus we've already complicated her life to much by just waltzing her into the vampire world." Seraina's voice took on an annoyed tone. Emily and Stefan watched silently from the kitchen doorway. Violetta snorted "Well I was human at one point and I know that this life is better. And further more I think you know she would be better off as a vampire and just dont want her around forever...almost like she's a pet eh?" Seraina glared at her,Emily and Stefan looked as shocked as I felt, suddenly Lilly jumped up from her place at Violetta's feet. A snarl ripped from her chest and she crouched in what i guessed to be a fighting stance. Skyler jumped up and positioned himself between Violetta and Lilly he was crouched in the same positon his teeth bared. "Stefan!" Emily whispered "stop them." Stefan rushed over and pushed them away from each other "Seraina, take your sister upstairs. Kelly will you go with them?" I nodded "Skyler! In the kitchen NOW!" Skyler followed his father into the kitchen still holding Violetta's hand. We practically had to drag Lilly upstairs her eyes locked on Violetta. Once we were in Seraina'a room Lilly kept pacing back in forth so fast it hurt my eyes to watch her. After awhile she stopped and stared at Seraina who had been standing at the window "Seraina...I think we haft t-" Seraina held up a hand for her to stop. "I know she replied. I think your right sister." Lilly smiled devilishly. "When?" Seraina sighed "I dont know. Maybe we should talk to mom and d-" Lilly cut her off "We are right here.... and unfortanatly so is Violetta a little bit." Lilly's face twisted into a frown "and mom and dad will only agree with us so whats the point?" I was utterly confused "Uh guys? What did we just decide here? Lilly smiled at me "Can I tell her Seraina?Can I?" Seraina sighed "I suppose". "We have just decided to grant your wish." said Lilly I stared at her "What?!?" she smiled wider "We're going to change you!" I gasped. Were they seriously gonna change me? I jumped up and hugged Lilly, then Seraina. This might be one of the HAPPIEST days of my life now I was gonna be their sister finally! "But...why? not that im protesting!" Lilly laughed and even Seraina smiled "Because Violetta was right we cant have you be our sister then just let you be mortal and eventualy...'I finished her sentence "die." Seraina pushed herself away from the wall "But..." I rolled my eyes here it came rediculous conditions " you must let my father change you and you must come up with your excuse for living with us." I smiled the awnser was so simple. "Ok." I agreed "Stefan can change me thats fine now's not the time to be picky. Plus I like your parents. And I already have an excuse." Seraina raised an eyebrow "Well I am eight-teen so I am at the age to go to college I already applied at bunch of schools I'll just tell my mother that I'm going to some far away college and so are you and Skyler!" Seraina smiled again "Ok. I'll ask my mother to type a fake acceptance from Harvard." Lilly looked pleased with herself.~~~Later that day I went home and ate dinner with my parents I showed them the fake acceptance letter and gave them the story I had practiced over at my vampire family's home. My father stopped eating and patted me on the back and just kept telling me how proud he was. My mother put her face in her hands and cried and just kept saying "Oh Kelly! Your my little girl! I'll miss you sooooo much!" I told them that we had to move into our dorm A.S.A.P. So the next morning I packed all my junk into a little suitcase and drove to Seraina's to start my new life. When I walked in the door I could tell Lilly and Seraina had told them what was going on and that I was going to change tonight. The sooner the better! Emily and Lilly looked egear, Stefan looked buisness like, while Skyler and Seraina worn identical blank expressions (must be the twin thing), and then there was Violetta holding Skyler's hand and looking extremely misserable. "Clear the couch." Stefan said. Skyler and Violetta got up and danced (you couldnt realy call it walking ) over to were Lilly and Emily stood. "Lay down Kelly." he told me and so I did. "Im sorry...it's going to hurt.' I'm ready." I replied he bent over me and I closed my eyes. Next thing I knew there was a sharp pain in my neck I whimpered. I heard somebody gasp and then there was only darkness. The next thing I remebered was the same blackness and peoples voices. I didnt know how long I had been out for or why I had been out...and then it hit me. They had done it! I was a vampire! I snapped my eyes open and saw my beutiful family clearly for the first time.