• Chapter 1
    *Carol/Shana/Katrin/Meighan/Clair's House*
    "Beep...beep...beep...be*crash*" a clock went signaling it was morning. Shana's shadow reclined back to her bed.
    "Ugh...I don't want to get up..." Shana groaned as her eye's opened.
    The clock then patheticly started to beep. Shana rose from her bed and grabbed a sword.
    "Die already" Shana said and stabbed the clock. "Aw crud"
    Shana looked around sleepily and saw sunlight leaking into her room. She went over to the window and shut her blinds. She then turned to her dresser and grabbed her clothes. She put on the high school uniform. Girls were supposed to wear skirts but she and her house mates argued with the principal and were allowed to wear the boys uniform. She slid on her black pants and grey short sleeve shirt. She then put on her shoes and styled her hair.
    "I really ought to get a new hair dresser" Shana thought to herself.
    The last three haircuts she had ended up making her look like a boy. This one was no different.
    She then grabbed a black jacket and walked to Meighan's room.
    "Meighan...I broke my alarm clock again..." Shana siad.
    "Again? Now we have to go clock shopping" Meighan groaned. "We have school don't we...well which should I wear today...I think I'll wear the girls uniform today..."
    Meighan got out of bed and went to her dresser.
    Shana then traveled over to Katrin's room.
    "Wake up Katrin...you have to suffer like the rest of us..." Shana said and kicked the end of Katrin's bed.
    Katrin groaned but didn't get up.
    "Fine then" Shana said and a bucket appeared.
    Shana dumped the bucket over Katrin and water came out.
    "Holy crap!!" Katrin yelled and jumped out of bed soaking wet. "What'd you do that for!?"
    "Get on your uniform...we have school today" Shana mumbled and headed out the door.
    "Well you didn't have to pur water on me!" Katrin yelled after her.
    Shana then went to Carol and Claire's room. Since the house had only four bedrooms two people had to share a room. Katrin had suggested Shana and Carol share a room, but Shana and Meighan quickly dismissed that idea. Claire happily volenteered to share a room with Carol and no on objected.
    "Time to get up you guys..." Shana said.
    "Yay first day of school!!" Both Carol and Claire shouted as Shana opened the door.
    Both were already dressed.
    "Has Katrin made anything for breakfast?" Carol asked.
    "Let's go make something then!" Claire said.
    "NOOOO STAY AWAY FROM MY KITCHEN!!" Katrin yelled as she ran past the bedroom.
    Shana, Carol, and Claire stood there for a bit. Shana shruged and walked to the kitchen.
    When she got there, Katrin was making pancakes. Shana went over to the cabinet and took out cups, plates, utencils, bowls, condiments, juice and a sharp knife. She then a large bowl and some fruit from the fridge.
    "What are you doing?" Katrin asked as she was flipping pancakes.
    "I'm making fruit salad" Shana replied cutting up fruit.
    "Hey that's a good idea" Meighan said entering the kitchen. She then went over to Shana and assisted her with cutting fruit.
    Carol and Claire sat at the counter knowing they couldn't help with anything. Soon all of them were sitting at the table in the dinning room eating pancakes and fruit salad.
    "Uh Katrin...why are you wet?" Meighan asked.
    "Because Shana poured water on me" Katrin grumbled.
    Shana shrugged and continued eating. Katrin then flipped Shana off.
    "Katrin!" Meighan said and hit her in the back of her head.
    "Hey!" Katrin yelled and was about to hit Meighan back but was stopped by Shana's shadow bind technique.
    "It's the first day of school...let's not fight till after" Shana said and let go Katrin's arm.
    Katrin stuck her tounge out and then continued eating. Everyone finished eating and grabbed their backpacks. They then left to go to school.