• Rain falls to the ground, pit, pat, pit, pat. A girl stands in the rain, an umbrella in her hand, it slips from her fingers, and with the rain, it hits the ground. the girl continues to stand there, cars pass by, people walk by her, not a single head turns, she is alone. She continues to wait for him, the rain turns to hail. She continues to wait, the unbrella long since gone, shredded in the hail, she continues to wait. Soon, the hail softens into snow, she continues to wait, cold and pale. she catches a snowflake in her hand, and looks down, sad. tears begin to fall down her cheeks as she stares down at the single snowflake in her palm, so delicate and fragile. the tears continued to stream, almost warm against her cold cheeks. she falls to her knees, her head in her hands. He had never come, he had abandoned her, left her to die in the cold, cold rain.
    And so she cried, as the snow turned to rain once again and poured down on her, she continued to cry for him, he had left.
    suddenly, she felt warmth wrap around her, and she saw pale fingers wrapped in hers. she felt his warm cheek next to hers, and the heat of his radiant smile. the tears stopped, and her hands fell from her face, and she turned to see him, holding her close to himself. she smiled. No. He had never left her, this whole time, he had been trying to get here. she smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Warm tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. the rain continued to pour, cars continued to pass, people continued to come by, and she continued to hug him. He smiled at her tenderly and kisses her softly. he had never left, he was always trying to get to her, he loved her, and now that he was here, the cold of the rain didn't matter.