• The first day of kindergarten was when I knew I wasn't going to fit in.In a black skirt with a ruffled top and corset.Now I am 13.A hard name to live with is the one I was named,Victoria,it is...Lovely name,but akward when you're my age.My family is said to be vampyres.Yes,I spell vampyre differently than you do...It's a habit.I am a quite pretty girl...I am very pale and very thin.I have long black hair and blood red lips that never need lipstick,unless I decide to wear black lipstick that is.My black eyeshadow sets off my odd eyes.The pupil of my eye is surrounded by a patch of brown and on the outsides of my eyes,small patches of blue.The main color my eyes are green.I play almost evry instrument there is.I play piano,harpiscord,flute,violin,eletric violin,and the organ.I have nothing more to say before I go.There for,I must leave.Goodbye.