• Every little movement I made, sent me to Hell and back.
    "We have to move her," Gabriel said. Alex nodded and started to pick me up. I screamed in protest. He set me down carefully.
    "Gabriel, what do we do?" Alex said. "If we move her, it will cause pain."
    "We're going to have to do it here," Gabriel whispered. Alex shook his head.
    "But the pain...," he said. He stroked my face.
    "Alex," I choked out. "Remember my bruises? Maybe...you could do...the same thing...so then it won't hurt." I gasped for breath. Alex was staring at me like he's never seen me before.
    "She's right, Alex," Gabriel said. Alex sighed.
    "I love you, Kait," he said. He touched my face and my senses failed. Pictures flashed in my head.
    The pictures stopped at the young boy from my dreams. Golden eyes, jet black hair, beautiful sparkling skin, and a childish grin.
    My dream came into full view again. The boy was running, but I was left behind.
    I stayed to fight off the others.
    The biggest one shot past me.
    "No!" I screamed. The other vampire took a step forward. I snarled. He grabbed me by the neck, and choked off my air supply. My dream cut off there.
    "Kait?" Alex said. He was holding my face. I opened my eyes. "Someone wants to see you."
    He placed a small bundle in my arms. He was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And he was mine.
    He stared at me with bright, golden eyes. I stared back. I was mesmerized by his face. Hypnotized. Alex broke the silence with an awkward chuckle.
    "We sure as hell made a good looking kid," I mumbled. Alex kissed the top of my head. I looked up and grinned at him.
    The small bundle in my arms squealed with laughter. Alex and I stared at him.
    "He'll grow rapidly. Until he looks about thirteen," Gabriel said. "What were you planning on calling him?" Oops. I never thought of a name.
    "Kris," Alex said. Kris...I liked that name.
    "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if the base is safe yet," Gabriel said. He darted into the trees.
    Alex unexpectedly scooped me up into his arms. Kris laughed again. His stomach growled. I stared.
    "I'll be right back," Alex whispered. He kissed my cheek and the top of Kris's head. He set us down and raced to the woods. Kris frowned.
    "He'll be back," I said. Kris smiled a toothy grin. I chuckled and hugged him close.
    Alex came through the trees with a huge buck. He walked over and set it on the ground. Then he held his arms out for Kris.
    I surrendered him to Alex, and Alex set him next to the buck. Kris sniffed at the deer. He smirked and dug his teeth into it's neck.
    Alex put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I shivered. He ran his hand down to the center of my back and held me as close as possible.
    His mouth forced mine open. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back.
    Just as Alex pulled away, an ear piercing scream filled the sky . . .