• one night clark haad a huge stomach ache and he couldnt just get it to go away, he went to the bathroom and tried making himself throw up but it wouldnt go away he kept that stomach ache. he threw up later on in the night, but he threw up something weird, 1st he threw up arnold schwarchnigr, then wayne grace with steroids in his hands, 3rd he threw up hannah montana, then he threw a knife at her head. he thought could this really be happening. if it was then hed be in trouble because he just threw up his internal organs, he threw up his heart next. he got his powers ready and when he did the woman who dated him called, she said shed get revenge, and he knew why, she hates cheeseburgers wich is crazy. the rampage of things stopped. he went back to sleep, but not for long,he woke up covered in blood and everybody he knew said"surprise". he then remembered why, it was his birthday and for it he wanted his kidney back, so the doctors got the kidney he donated and stuck it in a huge hole in him. he was in pain for the rest of the minute.