• Yesterday’s history…

    No one would ever expect anything to happen in the end. Just that everyone would die in the end. It wasn’t right to think of anything else, it was forbidden. The only thing that would be allowed was storytelling to children. Telling stories of the old ones that had passed before us. But no one knew the actual story. No one knew of what happened back then. As for me, I couldn’t care as much as I wanted to. I wanted to make a difference in our society. So if you read this, please continue to write as to what happens in your time period. To you my period is history, and since I am starting this notation, it will be as stated. Yesterday’s history.

    As to whom it may concern, my name is Esques. I will not give my last name, for reasons that do not concern you. As for those reasons, I give you a story to describe to you how difficult and dangerous it is for me to be writing this note.

    It all started when the old ones started to quarrel. Though one of the old ones had tried to stop the madness, it was to horrible and nearly impossible. Each of the elders claimed their own land, segregating them away from each other. No matter if the other had ones family or lover. They were banished from each other and forced to move on. If this warning was ignored and the couple had disobeyed, they were punished, or worse.

    Over time, the elders sons had taken over. If they had no son, their daughter’s husband, a fellow brethren of whomever had the chance to take over. By this time, Ngyogma was ruling. As his fathers last words, he was trying to make sure that other leaders or, “elder’s chosen ones” had agreed to but the lands back together and merge them as one. Sadly, our leader was taken captive for writing to other leaders. Now our land is without a leader, a protector of the sort. We are now wide open for attack at any given point and we are all scared for our lives. With no where to go or run, we try to dig tunnels to the outside lands. No one has succeeded with this task, but that will not stop us from trying.

    Now as I write this, I write it as a will. A document to others to let them know of what goes on now. I hope that when whoever reads this will be brave and do what I plan to do with a group of other fellow members or the village in which I live. Now this now, if I do not write to how I finished the deed I must do for our land, then whoever may read this please continue it.

    Today is the day that we fight. We fight for our land, and our rights as people to roam freely amongst the earth. Now we are underground, digging a tunnel to get to the land of Gnoss. It is getting dark. I will continue my writings tomorrow, we begin our fight tonight.