• Chapter 1

    Beep beep. Stupid alarm! I turn it off and get up. 4:02... Four hours
    entell my first day of school. Time do do chores! As I dress in my
    blue jeans and tee shirt I hear the rest of the hands house waking up
    and bustling around. Getting coffee and and a bit to eat. " Rise and
    shine vampy!" a voice said behind the door, Jeb. The oldest hand on
    the ranch,a.k.a. adopted father. " I'm a up. Zak might no be though!"
    I smiled at his grunt " The boy is never up sweetheart."

    I opened the door and smile at him a smile that shows my fangs, did I
    say I was a vampire? Oh yeah and not just any vampire I have big blood
    red bat wings and am skilled in magic... Yay. " And I still wonder why
    you keep him Jeb ." Ahh zak, a lanky blond cowboy and one of the most
    lazyest people you will ever meet but can ride any thing. " ' Cause he
    can ride and break a colt like there is no tomorro and you know it." I
    do but that doesn't mean I like it. " I know now if you please I have
    to get there before the coffee is gone." I smirked as he moved out of
    the way" Thank ya." I kissed his cheek and bolted to the coffee
    machine before the boys took it all.

    I already had my mug in my hand and it full of coffee before
    Kevin,the guy that was making the coffee, even blinked." You know
    that's really freaky right Fay?" I just smiled and sipped my coffee
    welcoming the warmth it brought. " What is the use of being a vampire
    with out using it's perks ?" for all of you that are wondering yes I
    can eat humann food, and it tastes damn good to! " It's still
    freaky.." Kevin complained. I patted his shoulder " You're just
    jealous that I'm the only one that can beat you at a foot race. " I
    teased him even though he new it was true. He grinned at me " Damn
    right I'm jealous! " I grinned and finnished my coffee," You should
    be." I ducked when he swatted at me and ran at a human sped to the
    door " Human to slow?" I teased and doged the pen he threw and I
    laughed as he did the same. I grabbed my duster coat, my old cowboy
    hat and walked out the door.

    I stopped and breathed in the smell of the ranch, god I love the
    smell of horses, cattle and other micsulanious animals. It's one of
    the best smells ever.

    I walked into the huge red barn and whistled two whinies greeted me
    and to horse heads looked over there stall gates to see me."Rugar!!
    Cleo!! " I run up and hug them both. Rugar my blue roan ranch gelding
    nussled me, as did Cleo a big white dressage thorobred. " Hi
    sweeties!! " I kissed both on the nose and turned to Rugar. " Ready to
    work?" I asked him and he bobbed his head. " Good cause we have three
    hours of it" I tell him while grabbing a halter and putting it on him.
    I tyed him up and went to grab my tack. As I walked down the isle some
    one grabbed my shoulder, I grabbed the hand of who ever and had him on
    the ground moaning before I relised who it was." Zak! You jerk! Why
    the hell did you do that!!" I yelled and made him stay down when he
    tryed to get up " No reason sweetheart. I just wanted to say good
    mornin." my eyes flamed every one knew not to sneek you one me! I
    decided to have a little fun with him, I put my mouth next to his neck
    " How about I have a morning snack? Huh cowboy?" he knew I hated to be
    called sweetheart by him. I loathed the man and I'm not his damn sweet
    heart! He smiled " Go a head sweetheart. Just don't be to ruff with
    me." he said confently but I could smell his fear. I growled " I'm not
    your sweet heart. " he laughed " No but you can be." I jerked up and
    got off him. " Get up. I have better things to do then put up with the
    likes of you." I walked toward the tack room and he followed. " So
    sweet thing you ready for you first day of school?" I ingored him and
    grabbed my tack then turned to leave but he was blocking the way" Move
    before I make you." I was in a happy mood before I saw him this
    morning. He lean forward his face next to mine and said " Make me." I
    smiled and he was on the ground and I was walking to Rugar's samtall
    before he could breathe.

    Zak coughed and got up " Well ain't you a ray of sunshine." I
    ingored him and tacked up my horse. He leaned aginst the stall door
    and smiled. " Come on sweetheart don't give me the cold shoulder." I
    glared at him " Don't you have work to do?" I snapped really not in a
    good mood." Why yes sweetie moving cattle with you." I gapped "
    What?!" Move cattle with me? No no no no noooooo no! " Yes, I'm moving
    cattle with you. So get a move on." He swatted my behind. I turned and
    slapped his face hard enough to leave an angery red mark." Don't EVER
    do that agian got me?!" I pretty much growled out. He just smiled a
    stupid smug smile and grabbed his horse, a beautiful palomino filly,
    and called over his shoulder " Come on." I grabbed Rugars riens and
    walked out of the barn.

    Soon I was on Rugar and ready to go! And I would have been happy about
    it, if I was riding with any one besides Zak. " Ready?" he asked and
    I just squeezed Rugar into a nice trot as my answer. I heard him laugh
    and his filly's hoof beats behind me.