• One warm summer afternoon my friend Katt and I are saddling the horses but she has forgotten a saddle back in the shed.

    "Will you please get the saddle for me? It's right inside the shed door"

    "Sure" I reply.

    As I'm walking to the shed near the corn field, my mind is in the clouds wanting to be somewhere else right now. Before I reach the shed I take a sharp turn into the corn field and disappear.
    The sunlight begins to fade as I'm running through the corn. Heavy grey and black clouds roll over the hills; I'm hoping the storm will hold off a little while longer before breaking.
    Time slips away when the storm finally decides to hit. Rain trickles down to the earth floor. Then suddenly when the first crash of thunder roars I turn into a blood thirsty wolf. The next thing I knew I had the desire to kill. The rain begins to pelt down against my back; the icy cold rain feels like daggers.
    It's nearly twilight and the rain had let up a little, but the sky still throws its tantrum. Many miles I've walked, not knowing where I'm headed I just keep walking along the road. An on-coming car comes from behind; I can hear the brakes screeching to a stop. The people inside get out and arm themselves with guns as they chase after me on foot. They have horrible aim when they shoot a bullet; it hits the ground off to the side, or blows up where my paws had just been. Hooting, hollering, and cursing on what a horrible monster I am.
    After a mile and a half and they're still after me with their guns, but they're growing weary of the long run. I decide to make my escape; up ahead is a cow pasture, and just like magic, I leap over the pasture and land on the other side away from the angry men. The huge impact of landing down on my paws threw me off balance, I roll over a couple times before I stand up to shake it off. The men are giving up on the chase when I see them walking back to the car.
    A door slams shut, I spin around with all my weight on my haunches, a little girl is standing in front of the house, in her right hand she's carrying a milk bucket and wearing a pair of rubber boots. My hunting instincts kick in when I get the sudden urge for a good meal. The most horrifying growl shot through the misty air from deep within my throat; the girl drops the pale as she stares at me with her terrified eyes. I charge forward and she tries to run away, but I was too quick, in the matter of a minute I knocked her down and had at her. The girl's last scream for help caught her father's attention when he rushes out of the house to see what the matter is. Again, the man is armed with a hand gun for self defense. He and I, with my blood stained lips, star at each other and then he fires a bullet at my front leg.
    I take off full speed not even caring about my wound. From a far enough distance I turn and look back, the father is holding the girl in his arms with her blood dripping off his fingers.
    Another crash of thunder and a streak of lightning cut through the angry sky one last time. The next thing I knew the sun is out and the air is warm again. Katt is standing beside the horses all set and ready to go riding.
    She tosses me a helmet and says,

    "Time to hit the trails"