• as I stood out side the gates at least 200 meters away, memories of life in te mansion came flooding back. It felt like I was knocked over by my own imagination, I felt a little dazed but still began the walk down to the front gate. the mansion had become slightly decrepe, a few windows were smashed through by a few protesters from the city, the wall to the left of the large double doors had been grafittied. '******** BASTARDS RUINED OUR CITY!!!' it read.

    I scowled at the wall thinking about how many times I my self had saved that city from one disaster or another (not to mention how many times everyone in the mansion had. but in all fairness to whoever wrote that, Ookami had destroyed one or 2 skyscrapers himself just for the fun of it... that idiot...

    as I approched the large white double doors that lead into the center of the mansion, I noticed the door was slightly open. I could only imagine what those stupid protesters would have done to my only home. I cringed as I pushed back the door to reveal surprisingly little damage, the curtains had fallen down and the sofa was on it's back, apart from that there was nothing wrong with that living room. the living room took up nearly all of the ground floor, apart from the kitchen which was sat in the corner with only a stove a breakfast bar and a few (most likely) empty cupborads. the staircase was against the left wall in the middle of the room, the stair case split off into four after the 3rd floor because of the separate towers that made the mansion look so different from the rest.

    I threw the bag that had been half heartedly sitting on my shoulder onto the bar table in the kitchen and made my way over to the cow tiped sofa to push it up right. when it was up right I noticed there was a lot of garbage under were the sofa had been. Mostly junk food rapers and empty glow stick containers that had obviously been stood on before thrown on the floor. My eyes wandered back to the kitchen and the mess was similar on the floor in there as well "was there a party here or something?" I uttered to myself as I began to climb the stair case to inspect the upper floor.