• Why did it end up like this?
    How did it end up like this?
    When did it end up like this?

    These are the questions that are marked upon the stone walls, of this one prison cell. As well as all the names, that are forever engraved in the stone. My name is Alice, and I am awaiting my judgment. I remember it was just last week, it was a Monday, when the Ministers daughter became ill. I remember how it all played out.

    "Alice! I want you to go and check up on Sarah." said the Minister as he passed her on his way to the dining room.
    "Yes sir." said Alice as she started towards the stair case. She climbed up them and soon came up onto the landing. She walked towards the the second door to her right and opened it to find Sarah laying in bed. "Sarah, it's time for breakfast."
    She didn't stir.
    "Sarah? Are you feeling okay?" asked Alice as she walked up to the bed and pulled the covers off of her.
    Sarah didn't move. She laid there as if she were dead.
    Alice screamed to the top of her lungs, it wasn't long before the minister was in the room, same with his two sons Johnathen and Paul, his wife Lucy, his other daughter Mary, and William. He was a young farmer who was staying with them, until his property was fully given to him.
    "What's wrong? What's happened?" asked the Minister in an angered tone.
    Alice pointed at the bed, where Sarah laid.
    The minister walked up to Sarah and checked her pulse. He sighed with relief and started to gently shake her. She didn't wake up. The Minister started to shake her even harder and soon violently.
    "Stop it darling!" cried out Lucy.
    The Minister stopped and glared at Alice. "Well, don't just stand there girl. Go and get the doctor."
    Alice wiped away the tears and quickly ran out of the room. William tried to follow her, but was soon stopped by Mary. She grabbed him around the waist and started to cry into his shoulder.
    Alice ran out of the house and started for the doctors house. She ran past the farms and soon came to the doctors patio. She stopped to catch her breath and was surprised at hearing a voice.
    "What's the hurry little Alice?" asked the doctor as he sat on a porch chair.
    "It's Sarah,.. She isn't waking up,... We need you to come and..." said Alice before she was interrupted.
    "Say no more, Alice. I'll get my things and we'll take the carriage." he said with a warm smile. He ran into the house and was soon out carrying a pure black bag.
    They hopped into the carriage and soon stopped in front of the house. They both jumped out and ran into the house.
    The doctor ran up the stairs, while Alice stayed down and sat down on one of the chairs. "The doctors here. I'm sure he'll make her better and then she'll be up and playing outside." thought Alice as she stared at the stair case.
    "Are you alright?" asked William as he walked into the room, from the kitchen.
    "Yes, I'll be fine. I'm a little bit worried about Sarah though." confessed Alice.
    "Don't worry about her, she'll be okay. Besides the doctor's here. He'll figure out what's wrong with her." said William as he sat down by Alice.
    "I love you." said Alice as she held his hand.
    "I love you too." said William.
    Little did they know that Mary spotted this affection and that she liked William as well.

    Hours past and still nothing from the doctor. Finally, the doctor walked down the stairs, with a mournful expression on his face.
    The Minister and Lucy walked into the room and saw his grave expression. "What's wrong with her?" asked the Minister.
    "I'm afraid that I don't know." answered the doctor. "This is the eighth patient that this has happened to."
    "Is there no cure?" asked Lucy.
    "I haven't found one yet. I sent a letter to an institution, but I haven't received any news." answered the doctor.
    "I thought for sure that if we burned the last witch, that they would be cured or at least no more cases would come up." said the minister with a hateful voice.
    "I guess he wasn't the last witch." said the Doctor. "Good day."
    "Good day." said the minister as he saw him leave. "Mary, I want you to tell me if there is a witch. All right."
    "Of course father, and I know who it is." said Mary with a sad look on her face.
    "Tell me who it is, for the sake of your sister." demanded the minister.
    "The witch is Alice." said Mary with a hint of enthusiasm.

    That is what happened and now I'm stuck here until my judgement. I'm not worried about myself, nor my soul. But I am worried about one thing.

    How many more names will be on these stones, until Mary finally is satisfied?