• Day 1

    As I walked to the school of fish, I noticed there. An Albino Shark. He appeared to be leaning on the Golden Clam. Watching me. He looked like he was ready to spring for me.
    "Aww, come on! Why do these guys follow me everywhere I go?" This is what I was wondering because I didn't know at first who they were.
    My name is Z. Winter. I'm not very old, nor am I young. I'm from the Gulf of Mexico. I have traveled to Hawaii for two reasons. I needed a vacation and to get my brand new pearl.
    The Albino Sharks are crooks who steal anything that is rare and valuable. "These guys must be following me because I'm on my way to pick up my ring.
    From a single grain of sand I placed inside a small yet wide topped clam, my brand new pearl was finally completed. I picked up a golden ring with a miniscule sapphire on the side. The way the gold was shaped reminded me of the glistening waves on top of the seas. It's my favorite ring made in Hawaii. The pearl is a purple pearl that glistens in the morning sun as the stars glow in the night.
    The person I got the pearl from stated, "That's a rare find. You got yourself a purple pearl. Did you get it on your first try??"
    "................. Yeah. That's right," I said while being mesmerized by my luxurious pearl.
    On my way back to the airport, I noticed something shimmering on the ground. It was another clam. As I picked up the clam, I noticed it had a small grain of sand on the inside of its shell. I came across some mail men. "Would you like us to drop off that clam anywhere for you? We are the Sea turtle Mail Industry. We deliver all letters and or packages across the world using the Australian Speed Current. If you would like a delivery made, please use only this sized box...," when he finally stopped talking, I took the box, filled in the form, and I then told him to drop it off near the Fisherman's Wharf on the San Franciscan Bay. As I continued along my path, I tried to take a shortcut, but I wound up going straight into an alley. As I began to go back, these white figures with pink eyes and wearing mafia clothing appeared in the darkness.
    "Wha... What ... do you want,” I managed to get out through my newly frozen throat, gripping my ring so tightly my hands began to ache.
    "We want your ring," one of them grinned out.
    "Why do you want it? Who are you?"
    "You don't need to know, and you shouldn't even care."
    "Unh," I said as the rest of the air began to fly out, leaving my body. I fell to the floor thinking maybe one of them hit me from behind.