• There he sat, drawing in solitary at an old, worn-down table. Dennis lifted the pen and looked at his art with a smile on his face. It was unlike anything else he had ever drawn, a full- body portrait of himself, almost a mirror image. Then, something VERY out of the ordinary happened. As he turned, not only to recieve his grade, but to brag as well, mini- Dennis moved on the paper.
    " Okay Dennis, youv'e had your fun, show us your picture." said the teacher.
    "Certainly, I'm always proud to show my work. If I dont like it, I get rid of it." he said turning to his work. He grabbed it without looking, he showed it to his classmates with a smile.
    Laughter was all he could hear. He looked at his paper, which was completely blank other than the backround he had sketched in a hurry. Then, silence. With this Dennis was also puzzled, until he followed his friend Thadeus' gaze. He turned to the side , and saw something that blew his mind...
    It was him, but black and white... It looked like him, acted like him and surprisigly, was the same size as him. Thadeus broke the silence," Say something to it." he said.
    Dennis managed to mumble something along the lines of an insult. The ink copy looked first insulted, the sad. The beast had feelings. "
    Give me the marker that created you." Dennis said a little louder then before.
    It obayed.
    "Turn into a dog." said Dennis, jokeing. The beast morohed into a large black dog. with a snarl it jumped on Dennis' girlfriend, Jessica.
    "Get off of her!" Dennis shouted. The strange creature obayed, and Jessica got up and ran to Dennis, scared for her very life.
    Dennis looked at his classmates, all awe- struck, and frozen in faer as well. He looked deep into Jessica's eyes. For the first time, Dennis saw tears flowing down over her face.
    She thought she would die, right there on that floor when that thing had pounced on her.
    Jessica looked up at him and said,"get rid of that horrible thing Dennis. Do something, any thing, just get rid of it!"In her eyes, he saw the fear. He knew what he must do.
    The beast was dangerous, it obayed every command it was given,and could shape-shift. He knew what he had to do. In a flash, Dennis grabbed a pair of sissors, lunged at the creature, and stabbed it's head.
    All he could do was grab his things and head out the door with Jessica and Thadeus as the perfect ink copy of him writhed in pain on the floor. It was time for lunch.
    Later that day, the police quickly ran into the building. When they dashed out, they were carrying a bulging bag. To this day, no one in that 3rd hour art class knows what happened to the creature, or if that stab to the head killed it. When asked about it, they change the subject or remain silent.
    All except one that is. Dennis will say only one thing about his creation. Every question, no matter who from, recieves the same answer..."I know nothing about the creature nor the pen that created it. I threw the pen over Niagra Falls on our summer trip in 09, and dark creatures still haunt my dreams..."