• Rick James was having horrible dreams at night. In his dreams, a masked figure, dressed in black, was chasing him through alleyways. Just before the dark shadow could swallow him into oblivion, Rick woke up.
    Before Rick had the nightmares, he had a happy family of a wife and two kids. The job Rick had was a stressful one, and he couldn't get a raise.
    Soon, Rick was in debt, and he made up a plan to get money:
    His wife and kids had life insurance, and their deaths had a big payoff. On a cold, dark night, Rick murdered his family in cold blood. He was careful to cover up the scene. Rick was found innocent of these charges of murder, and the case was left unsolved.
    20 years later, He started having the dreams. About the man in the mask. But Rick had no idea why. He consulted a therapist, a doctor, anybody. But finally, Rick decided to make a descision: He wouldn't go to sleep for as long as he could. He was having a hard time, and as soon as he was about to drift off into sleep, he would get up and try to stay awake.
    Eventually, Rick fell into a deep slumber. He was walking through the city alleys, and the masked figure leaped from the blackness and attacked. The weapon he used was a knife, clean and sharp. Rick was struck in the side, and he ran from the masked figure. Rick tried to reach the police station, but the man in the black tackled him. There was a struggle, but Rick finally grabbed hold of the knife, and he hacked away at the mask.
    Rick gasped as he saw who it was.
    It was a reflection of himself.
    Later on that night, Rick turned himself in to the police,
    Three months later, he was in court, then sentenced to death. Rick James was killed by lethal injection, and as he saw the light, he saw the figure, too.