• Calvin Manegtire sat in an old jail cell with his arms crossed. He wore a pair of bellbottoms and a black cowboy hat. His red hair was short and had tied sideburns that touched his shoulders. It's been 2 months since he had been captured, and he still needed a way out.
    "Ugh. Two months in this terrible place." Calvin said. The door opened outside as an officer put a new person in jail. He looked very odd, as though he just left an insane asylum. He had glasses half the size of his head and light green hair. His shirt had a collar that flared out at the back like a giant wave. He also wore spiked boots and a trech coat. He had a creepy fanged smile as he looked at Calvin. The creep let out a horrendously creepy laugh
    before starting to talk.
    "Are you my cell mate?" He asked Calvin as they led him into the cell.
    "Apparently." Calvin replied with a frown.
    "How long have you been here?"
    "Two months."
    "Wanna get out right now?"
    The creepy kid let out his creepy laugh again as a small electronic device slipped out of his sleeve. He held it up and pushed a button on it. At first, nothing happened until a large cannonball came flying through the wall, demolishing the jail walls. He walked out of there like it was a walk in the park. He looked at two peculiar weapons hanging by chains on the wall. They looked like handguns, but had two long clips that looked like machinegun ammo inserted into the top of them. They had two knife-like blades on the front of them, similar to a bayonet.
    "Those must be yours?" He asked Calvin. He grabbed a knife lodged into a nearby table and held it up to the chains.
    "No wait! Leave the chains on!" Calvin said quickly.
    "What are you, the fashion police? Here, take them." He said, taking them off of the hook and throwing them to Calvin. He caught them with a smirk and did a heroic pose. He wrapped the chains around his arms as some officers went into the room.
    "So, creep, got any weapons besides that giant cannon of yours?" He asked the nerd as he looked at him.
    "No." He said, still keeping his smirk. He did his creepy laugh before going on. "I see no need."
    All the creep did was laugh. "And by the way, I'm not "creep". my name is Bartleby." Said the nerd with his toothy grin.
    "Alright then Bartleby. Let me show ya how it's done!" Calvin held his handguns horizontally at the officers and fired out an extremely fast round of bullets, killing many of the police. He then let go of the guns and lashed them towards a soldier like a whip. Pulling himself towards the unfortunate policeman, he kicked off of him and flipped in the air, spinning his guns into the crowd on their chains, taking out the rest of them.
    "See?" Calvin said with a grin. He looked over at Bartleby, who was to busy twiddling his own fingers to notice his fight scene.
    "You weren't watching, were you?" Calvin said, a sweat drop forming on the back of his head. Bartleby replied with an evil laugh. He got out of his chair and walked away, stepping on the policemen. "How could you not notice them? You stepped on them! Come on!"
    He looked at Calvin and laughed his creepy laugh to himself. "That was pretty good, boy." He said with a grin. "Hey boy, you ever think about becoming a mercenary?"
    "Yeah I've thought about it, but I don't know..." Said Calvin with a sneer. "Sure, I'll get to be on the road with no cares in the world, but I need to stay here."
    "Do you have a choice? Or do you want to go to jail again?" asked Bartleby. "Why did you even get into jail if you aren't a merc or a murderer?"
    "I was going to steal money from a bank. It's the only thing I could do to keep my family alive." replied Calvin with a frown.
    "Well, mercenaries make as much as you could have stolen from that place."
    "Really? Wow."
    Bartleby let out his creepy laugh. "But there's a catch~" he said with an extra big grin.
    With a horrified look on his face Calvin asked, "What is it?"
    "All mercs need two people at leat to function well." Bartleby said. He let olut his creepy laugh. "And by the looks of it....I'm your best bet!"
    "NO WAY! I WILL NEVER ASSOCIATE MYSELF WITH YOU!" Calvin yelled. ut he did have a point. By the looks of that item he pulled out of his sleeve, he created it himself, which means he's a very tech-savvy man.
    "Weeeeeeell?" Bartleby asked turning his head a little more than natural. "You'll make millions, and you only have to put up with me."

    So, will he choose to join Bartleby or will he instead decide to live his boring old life? Well if he refuses Bartleby's offer that the story wouldn't go anywhere would it?