• Mitako blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the dark room. She tried to look around, but the room was pitch black, except for a pair of deep crimson eyes glowing above her. Mitako's whole body trembled in fear as tears began to fall down her face. "Wh-what happened?" she asked in a shaky voice. "You fell asleep, so I brought you here." Ashala replied, running his fingers through her hair. Mitako swallowed hard, too afraid of what he might do.

    Shadow Link silently crept up behind Ashala, roughly pressing the tip of his sword against the Dark Prince's back. "Get your hands off of her!" he said in an angry voice. Ashala chuckled a bit, carefully getting up off of the bed. He could feel the tip of a sword digging into his back. "Fine, have it your way then." he replied. Ashala turned back to Mitako. "I look forward to our next encounter, m'lady." he told her before he vanished into the shadows with a smirk.

    Shadow Link sheathed his sword as he walked over towards the bed where Mitako was. "Are you alright m'lady?" he asked in concern. Mitako nodded shakily, unsure of who the strange person was. Shadow Link carefully leaned down and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Mitako returned the embrace, crying on his shoulder. "Thank you... you saved my life!" she said. "You're welcome. If you ever need me for anything like that again, I'll be nearby, just in case." Shadow Link replied softly. He gently laid Mitako back down on the bed. "Do you promise?" Mitako asked as Shadow Link pulled the covers up over her shoulders. "I promise, sweet dreams M'lady." Shadow Link replied with a small, kind smile. Mitako let out a soft yawn, falling asleep once more. Shadow Link stood against a nearby wall, keeping watch for the remainder of the day.

    **** (In the World of Dreams)****

    Mitako began walking through that same forest from before as the sun shone brightly through the trees. She was wearing a sapphire blue dress with long sleeves and matching heels. In her hair was a silver star hairpin. Around her neck was a matching necklace with a silver star in the middle. She opened it up, for inside it was a picture of her and her parents. 'Oh, how I wish I could see them again.' Mitako thought with a sad smile.

    She kept walking until she came to a clearing with a small pond. She sat down near the edge for a while, listening to the birds singing. Mitako closed the pendant and dipped her fingers into the cool water, moving them in little circles. She smiled as she watched the small fish swimming around near her.

    Moments passed as she sat there. "Konnichiwa, m'lady." said a familiar voice. Mitako saw the shadow of someone standing behind her. She turned to see who it was with a look of surprise, her face turning slightly pink. "Oh, um, konnichiwa, Marth-kun." Mitako replied shyly. Marth walked over and sat down next to her with a kind smile. "You look lovely. That dress makes your eyes sparkle like the stars." he commented. Mitako tried to look away, her face turning a darker shade of pink. "Ano, a-arigatou M-Marth-kun." she replied.

    Marth gently placed his arm around her shoulders. "Daijobu Mi-chan, gomen nasai. I didn't mean to embarrass you." he apologized. Mitako looked up at him, feeling a bit shy. She simply gave him a small, shy smile.

    "Tell me, how did you find this place?" Marth asked curiously. "Um, I'm n-not really s-sure." Mitako replied shyly. "I used to come here many times whenever I needed to take a break." Marth told her. "From what?" Mitako questioned as she looked up into his deep sapphire eyes.

    Marth let out a soft sigh. "Well, mostly from the boring political meetings. They always made me want to fall asleep!" he said with a grin. Mitako couldn't help but grin back, giggling at the thought. "No way, you sleeping through that?" she asked. "Yeah, it's true I would!" Marth replied.

    Mitako smiled happily. "I like it here, it's so peaceful." she said, watching the little fish swim around her fingers. "As do I Mi-chan." Marth replied with a kind smile. He looked back at Mitako, who seemed a bit pre-occupied with the pond. Slowly, he leaned in close to her ear. "I hope to see you around more often, Mi-chan." Marth whispered softly. Mitako's face turned slightly pink as he said it. Marth lowered his face close to hers and gently kissed her cheek.

    Mitako removed her fingers from the pond, deciding to watch the fish swim around. A light breeze began to blow small strands of her hair in her face. She could hear a soft melody playing as the breeze blew, so she decided to sing along.

    [Author's Note: This song that Mitako is singing is called "Let Me In" from the movie Rigoletto.]

    "I love the part in fairytales
    that's very near the end,
    when all the kingdom cheers for their new queen.
    And all is well, and all is good
    and everyone belongs
    And happily there ever after-ing.

    But when I enter the kingdom of dreams
    And face the promise of all I can be,
    Will they see me as a heroine?
    Tell me, will they let me in?"

    Marth simply listened to Mitako singing. 'Wow, she has such a beautiful voice.' he thought in amazement, smiling happily.

    "I love the part when seasons change
    And winter turns to spring
    And bright new branches welcome new born blooms
    The earth makes room for every flower
    That reaches for the sun
    The "Glad you've come" is whispered on the breeze

    But when I enter the spring of my dreams
    just like the one hour the birds "So-La" sing
    Will I find my place with a gentleman?
    Tell me will they let me in?

    And if a heart's breaking
    a part of me's aching
    to show them how much that I care
    but if no one let's me
    or turns and forgets me
    then how? How can I share?

    I love the part in fairytales,
    that's very near the end
    the princess and the prince proclaim their love
    and hearts are healed and souls are changed
    and two blend into one
    all orchestrated by the stars above

    But when I stand at the door of my dreams
    and hear the lonely heart calling for me
    I could fill that emptiness within
    if that heart would let me in
    Won't someone let me in?"

    Marth clapped as Mitako ended the song. "That was beautiful, just like you." he commented with a smile. "Thank you Marth-kun." Mitako replied shyly, her face turning light pink.

    ***[Back in Hyrule Castle]***

    Meanwhile, Zelda had walked down the same dark hall and found the room at the end. She silently walked in, seeing Link and Shadow Link standing close by the bed. "Link, what's going on? What happened to Mitako?" she whispered in concern. Link turned to face Zelda with a worried expression. "Some guy with black wings tried to take advantage of her. He said his name was Prince Ashala." Shadow Link explained. "She'll be fine, just let her rest a bit." Link said softly, not wanting to disturb Mitako.