• Luka sat on a couch next to her best friend of life. She was reading her 'Just be Friends' book, laying her hand on Ryusuke's hand as he lie his down first. They sat together, the couch stood right in front of a TV, A TV of memories. She turned her head towards him and smiled, turning back to read her book. The time they first met traveled through her mind as she smiled to herself. It was funny how they met. "I believe, in 6th grade," Luka spoke aloud. Thinking out loud is one of her habits she can't break.

    In 6th grade . . .

    Luka ran away, getting chased by--not bullies--friends. They were playing tag in a park. Imagine that. She was running, looking back at the kids screaming, "Luka!" Anyone running or chasing or even watching were laughing because for some reason, Luka is a big klutz. Any time she ran when her friends got close was when something triggered in her leg and she hurts the bone in either her leg or her foot. This time when she ran for a short distance, she hurt her foot, giggling at herself as she stopped. She looked up and saw herself staring at a boy. He looked like he was about in the same grade as her. She laughed as her friends came closer. She didn't say a thing to him but ran off to get away from her friends tackling her. But again, she tripped and fell, making her friends have a chance to tackle her, which they did.

    He and Luka had been very close for a while now. It was just another moment, sitting next to her on a couch, listening to music with his headphones. He, being Ryusuke Yamamoto, had been in love with such a wonderful girl since their early school years. He glanced over to see her, reading that one book 'Just Be Friends' whatever that was, it held a somewhat sad title as he glanced over towards the TV. His headphones slid off as he looked to eye the television, his hand still let down on the cough. "Yeah...." He let out in agreement, tilting his head as his eyes couldn't tear away from the television.


    Ryusuke in sixth grade, he hadn't changed much then. He was still into music and had tons of free time. It was then he met Luka, this pink haired girl that had a great smile on. Ryusuke's big eyes stared over to the awfully popular girl as he sat on the open grass field, a somewhat shocked expression on his face, as he looked straight at the beaming girl. His friends were a bit late to come, but the caught a glimpse of Ryusuke standing up slightly to see him looking over at the tackled Luka. Ryusuke hardly could move as his mp3 player ear-buds had fallen out, his hand holding the small player as he looked at Luka. Ryusuke couldn't ever recall seeing such a cute girl, he wanted, for the first time in his life, let another person to listen to his music with him.

    In the park . . .

    Luka looked up from her group of friends. "Ah! Guys," She managed to say in between laughs and giggles. "Get off!" She smiled, getting out of the way of the guy she ran into. "Ah!" She screamed again, falling more in front, landing on the guy. "S-Sorry. I'm a klutz." She said to him, moving hands from her body from her friends tackling her. What fun is this? Just like grade school. She thought, still staring at the guy's confused face, waiting for a reply.

    He felt an impact shake his music, forcing the earphones to pop out from the outlet, "Ah." He let out in surprise, looking over to see the group of people and the figure that bumped into him. He blinked to see the laughing girl. He shook his head. "N-no it's fine." He said, suddenly freezing up, as he looked at the girl, unable to stop himself from smiling back at her. "Are you alright?" He asked before she could as he placed his mp3 player down to move forward and help her up. Ryusuke's own friends came along, a it confused with the situation, but it seemed like everyone had one thing in common, their age group was very similar and their 'leaders' seemed to be connecting well. What one could call a normal run in with students, Ryusuke had a feeling that this bump was one of the most important things that could happen in his life.

    Luka was surprised. He beat him to the punch on the question. "Yeah. I think you’re okay, too," She told him, making a joke out of it, giggling. She smiled back at him, seeing his friends came. She got up with help from him and looked back at her friends, which seemed to back off and walk away from the situation. They were just giving her some space. She leaned down to the ground and picked up his ear-buds from the grass. Before giving them to him. He was listening to a rock band. Putting one of the ear-buds in her ear, she listened to the song. She recognized the group, their voices. "I love this song," She said very quietly, but to where he could still hear her.

    Ryusuke gave the girl a light smile, "Yeah." He replied a little surprised at her sense of humor. He watched her giggle and helped her up, watching her pick up his ear-buds. "Oh. Really?" Ryusuke asked out, blinking in pure surprise. No one ever liked that band. No ever did. Ryusuke thought he was the only fan of 'Palette.' It came as an obvious surprise, but there was already something the two had in common. "Yeah, it's my favorite." Ryusuke let out quietly as he smiled towards the girl.

    "Hey! Ryu!" Let out a loud voice, causing him to jump slightly, looking over at his friend.
    "Come on, you said you'd be treating us to some snacks." Another one of his friends let out, unaware of the slightly romantic moment Ryusuke and the girl just sort of had. "Oh. Y-Yeah. Gimme me a second." Ryusuke looked over his back and looked back to look at the pink haired girl and her friends. "Ah..." He looked at her, still listening to the music, "I have to go..." He said, awkwardly looking at the ear-bud, he felt it'd be rude to just pull the earphone out of her ear and he shifted his weight a little embarrassedly.

    Luka couldn’t help but just laugh. Dry humor is not a good thing from her, which is what she was trying to pull. He heard the band’s name escape his mouth. I never heard that band in my life, she thought. She might’ve not have heard the band before, but she sure knew the song. She loved the beat. "Mine too," She told him, smiling to herself. One common interest can lead to so much. But once she heard his friends calling him, she knew his name. Though, she’s pretty sure it’s a nickname. "Ryu?" She looked at him. He doesn’t look like a dragon, she thought once again, pointing her index finger to her lips in confusion. She sighed in disappointment once she heard that he had to go. "Oh, uh, okay," She let out the ear-bud from her ear and put it in his hand. "Then I guess this is a bye," She told him, staring down at the ground, blushing. "I’m Luka, by the way." She managed to squeeze in before he left. Though she didn’t want to leave, she still had to get back to her friends as well. Which were very impatient.

    Ryusuke felt like the girl was judging him, and his friends caught his frozen-ness. One of them hit him on his back, laughing lightly, looking over at Luka. "She's cute." One of his friends said under their breath, Ryusuke's cheeks a gentle shade of pink, "Y-yeah. I guess it is." He said, turning around to get a barrage of affectionate punches and laughter, Ryusuke's looked over his shoulder once, to see the girl one more time. She got his nickname, but he had not a clue on which she was.... They liked the song together at least...
    He turned around, feeling a sort of excitement from meeting a fellow fan like the girl. This couldn't be the only time they'd see each other. It just didn't seem like it. They would be leaving to graduate into secondary school sooner or later.... Maybe he could meet her then....

    Luka laughed at one of his friends punching him in the back and acknowledged his friends comment about her with a nod of the head. Since they both were in the same grade and park. There is a way she could see him again. "Well, bye, Ryu," She told him, starting to walk away. He was funny. She looked back at him as she walked away and smiled, watching him and his friends joke around. As she walked, she tripped once again on a root. It was a pretty big root. "Ouch!" She moaned, her butt sticking in the air from falling on her face. All she heard was laughs from her friends and footsteps walk behind her from one of her guy friends looking at her backside. As soon as she found out, she kicked him in the face and got herself up. She’ll see him later. She will.

    Ryusuke turned around, smiling lightly, his cheeks still a gentle pink, "Come on let's go." One of his friends said, "Yeah." He looked over to see Luka trip over a root, he smiled lightly. Only fate will tell when he'd be able to meet her again.

    First Year of High School, End of First Day . . .

    Ryusuke was moving quietly in the empty classroom, being much taller than he was a few years back, his somewhat scrawny figure looked calm and relaxed. It's been about two years since he met that girl; she finally knew her name, being Luka Megurine. He sighed out quietly; the first day in high school was pretty tiring when nothing happened. His mp3 player, the same ear-buds still working perfectly since the day he had gotten them. He played an old song by Palette, 'Sigh.' This was the song that was playing on his mp3 player when he met Luka. He still hadn't managed to meet her in high school, hell, he wasn't even sure if she applied to this school. He sighed out again, wondering on what would happen his high school years.

    Luka wandered around the halls, looking around and whatnot. Being the first day of high school, she was getting used to being here. She was walking beside her friends she’s known since forever. He was talking to her, but she wasn’t paying attention. She was just thinking to herself. Dozing off as usual. She was a little daydreamer, she was. Thinking off in her own little world about the first time she met that boy, Ryusuke Yamamoto, her friend snapped his fingers in her face to make her come back to reality. Her eyes widened. "Are you paying attention, Luka?" She looked at him. "Oh, yeah. I’m just thinking of--Ryu." She said to him, her head wandering off and turning away. "Ah, him again? Luka, you have to stop thinking of him. You’ll never meet him again." He reassured her. Every time she reminds him of Ryusuke, he gets annoyed. She knows he has a crush on her, so she tries to make him know she doesn’t like him like that. Being more grown up, taller, and her hair being much longer, more guys have been falling for her. But she can only think of one guy, Ryusuke. For thinking about him too much, she saw someone from behind that looked just like the way his does. "Ryu," She said aloud. "What? Luka?" Her friend wondered, looking the direction in which she was staring.