• Chapter Six: War

    Televised speech by Admiral Gary Roughead, 1 hour prior to MCPO Skirata's arrival at NORAD Headquarters

    “It's been a tough week, gentlemen. None of us can recall an attack like this since Pearl Harbor. And just like Pearl, this attack shall be met with retribution the likes of which the world has never seen. Our flag will fly in every Russian city, our soldiers will march over the rubble of Moscow, and the Warsaw Pact will pay the price for the blood they have shed. History is written by the victor, and the books of history will be written by us, in their blood.”

    NORAD Headquarters, Colorado Springs, CO

    “Gentlemen, I'm glad to have you back.” Admiral Roughead said as Luke, Fred, and Bill walked into the situation room. “You missed the speech. It was televised to every single military base, ship, and soldier under the flag.”

    “I'll be sure to check it out later, sir.” Luke said, as he sat down, without being ordered to.

    “Master Chief, I'll ignore the obvious violation due to recent events.” Roughead said, brushing off the rebuke.

    “Thank you, sir. Where do we stand?” Fred and Bill stood to either side of Luke.

    Roughead folded his hands and took a deep breath. “All ships that were in reserve have been taken out, and ordered to prepare for action within six hours. All aircraft are being called into service, and are being fueled up as we speak.”

    “So it is an invasion.” Luke stated.

    “You expected any less?” Roughead asked.

    “No sir. This is exactly what I'd hoped for. Payback.”

    “We all want a chance at payback. Nobody does this to the United States.”

    “Speaking of which, how's it look in the Big Red?”

    With this, Roughead actually smiled. “Moscow's a crater now. A few other cities too, the majority of the action will be by air. The troops are only gonna come marching in after the bombs drop. This is a shock and awe campaign.”

    “I suppose that's the best way. And what about the ODSTs?” Luke inquired.

    “I apologize, but we don't have the means to go through with the intended insertion options the ODST unit was created for. You'll go in as standard Special Forces. If all goes well, you might just be dropping in from the sky later on in the war.”

    “So this is war. Congress has approved the Declaration of War?”

    “Of course. You think they wouldn't?”

    “The Russo-American war, huh?”

    “I'm afraid not, Master Chief. There's a bigger picture here. Both NATO and the Warsaw Pact are itching for blood. And this is the catalyst. This is World War III.”

    Luke walked out of the situation room after he was dismissed, a hollow look on his face.

    “You good, sir?” Bill asked.

    “Yeah. Lot to take in, that's all.” Luke answered, his eyes returning to their normal, hard look.

    “Yeah, it sure is. But they're not giving us a long time to take it in. We deploy tomorrow.”

    “Do I have to report to the barracks?” Luke asked.

    “Technically, yes. But I'll cover for you.” Bill said, a sly grin on his face.

    “Thanks. I owe you one, Chief.”

    “You won't be the only one who wants to spend his last night with his girl, sir.”

    “What about you?”

    “I don't have anyone. No one who matters.” Bill said with a forlorn look.

    “You should go out and have some fun. I'll cover for you at the barracks.” Luke said.

    “Not a chance. I'm not gonna let my squad leader miss out on this. This is the last free night you'll have in awhile. Make it count.” Bill said, and hit him on the shoulder. Bill started walking away, and Luke stood in the hallway, contemplating Bill's words. He looked at his hands, still scraped and scarred from the debris.

    “....But CNN has learned that the American counter-attack, while still very much under wraps, is reported to be even bigger than previously thought, with Army and Air Force Generals and Navy Admirals wanting to 'Teach the Russians a lesson they will never forget.' Battleships and cruisers are being called out of the mothball fleet and being rearmed for duty. The flagship of this enormous fleet is none other than the USS Missouri, the titanic Iowa-class battleship that was the site for the Japanese surrender to the United States in World War II. Once a floating museum, it's cannons are being loaded as we speak, in preperation for the retalitory strike against the deadliest attack ever on American soil.”

    Emily turned off the tv in her hotel room in disgust, she didn't need to know more than she already did. “If I'm gonna find anything out about this, I'm finding out from Luke. Not from some news channel.”

    “Then what do you want to know?” Luke said, standing in the doorway.

    “Luke! What are you- how did you....” Emily said, jumping up from her bed and embracing him.

    “I just got briefed.” Luke said, his eyes grim.

    “You have to leave, don't you?” Emily said, tears starting to form in her eyes.


    “What am I gonna do?” Emily asked, starting to cry.

    “I don't know.....You could stay here. Work for NORAD, I know they'll be looking for volunteers.”

    “I can't lose you....not now. We were just beginning.” Emily said, inbetween sobs.

    “You won't. I'll come back.” Luke said, adamant.

    “You promise? Swear to me that you'll come back.” Emily looked into Luke's eyes.

    “No force on Earth could stop me from coming back to you. Now wipe those tears away, let's go enjoy ourselves in the city. While we can....”

    3 Hours until Zero Hour, NORAD Headquarters, Colorado Springs

    Luke walked in front of his entire company of ODSTs, 300 men, all aching for revenge. He cleared his throat loudly.

    “Americans are no strangers to war. We were formed by war, we were split by war, and we were reunified by war. Whenever they said it couldn't be done, we did it. We defeated the British Empire, we brought an end to the German Empire in World War I, we stormed the beaches of Normandy, we defeated the Empire of Japan, and we will bring and end to the Second Warsaw Pact. More importantly, we will get revenge for every life lost. For every American killed during the attack, 10 Russians will die. Every single American soldier has fire in their hearts, a lust for vengeance and a need for blood. But you are different, you are special. The ODSTs will be the first ones in, the first knife cut in the Russian side. We are the spearhead for the American revenge, we go forth like the wrath of God. With fire in our hearts and only one goal in sight: Our boots will march over the rubble of Moscow, and we will plant our flag at the ruins of the Kremlin. We are America! We will prevail!”


    20 miles off Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian border

    3 Days after Zero Hour

    Luke shut off the background noise from his helmet, and marveled in how silent the world was without the blaring sound of the helicopter rotors. The MH-60 Pave Hawk roared through the air, escorted by two MH-6 Little Bird attack helicopters.

    “Ready for a little payback, troopers?” Luke yelled over his helmet.

    “Yes, sir!” The 8 ODSTs in the helicopter yelled. The chopper lurched forward, gaining speed as Russian Anti-Aircraft cannons started firing.

    “We're approaching the mainland! Once we land, we're on Russian soil. You will not quit! You will not stop moving forward!” Luke yelled. He looked out of the window at the escort Little Bird, and listened to the radio chatter from the pilot.

    “Catching flak from those AA guns, Bravo Six, advise you get in there and lay low, over.”

    “Opening fire on Anti-Aircraft. Guns guns guns.” The Little Bird's machine guns spat out fire. Luke ducked his head as the helicopter lurched forward again.

    “Hang on, men! We're in for some chop!” He yelled as the chopper tipped to one side, and he held onto the handle next to his seat to stay seated. He peeked out the left side window, and saw the Little Bird escorting them take a flak round and erupt into flames.

    “Hang on! Gonna be a rough landing!” The pilot yelled as the helicopter raced over the ocean and above the Russian peninsula. Anti-Aircraft as well as small arms fire sprayed near the Pave Hawk.

    “Got any bright ideas, Chief?” Bill yelled over to Luke.

    “Just one, standby.” Luke said, and eyed an icon on his HUD.

    “USS Missouri,” The voice over the radio said. “Orders received. Standby, bombardment incoming. Danger close, I repeat, Danger close.”

    Luke stood, and looked out of the window. Over on the ocean, he saw 5 battleships open fire with their huge 16-inch cannons. On the jungle floor below, the trees and foliage became an instant scene of hell. Every shell destroyed the forest canopy and burned the splintered wood. However, the AA fire continued, the guns continuing to fire until they were destroyed. One flak round caught the Pave Hawk on its tail rotor, and it started to spiral.

    “Hold on! Everybody hold on!” Luke screamed as the helicopter fell, smashing into a tree split into halves. The cockpit smashed in clear to the passenger compartment, and the chopper fell to the ground below.

    Luke shook his head, pushing away the stars in his eyes. He shakily got to his feet, and looked around for his rifle. 5 ODSTs also got to their feet, while three did not. He went over to one soldier, his femoral artery severed by a flying piece of wood larger than Luke's forearm. Luke knelt, and had a moment of silence. He picked up the dead ODST's weapon, a stolen Russian AK-47 with the words Sweet Revenge carved into the handle. How appropriate. Luke thought, and stood.

    “Sir!” Bill called out. “We made it, huh?”

    “Yeah.” Luke replied, and jumped from the rail of the downed helicopter onto the ground below, where the American bombardment was still reducing the forest to ruin. “Welcome to Russia.”