• Me and Crystal are alone searching for Nathan Sanders while we're splitting up. On the way, we meet up and eventually recruit a severely injured Katherine Crane who was recently clashing with Ryu Kuronagi. Honestly, I wonder if Ryu will ever give up? Ah, who cares... it's time for a rematch with him, but Ryu isn't alone, however.

    Crystal Cheung: So... you come from Barton Town, huh?

    Me: Yep. The whole town was besieged by the undead.

    Crystal Cheung: I had no idea they would be THAT numerous.

    Me: They're way numerous than ordinary animated. But whoever this Denzel Crassus person is, I won't rest until his armies are totally annihilated.

    Crystal Cheung: Are you working your way to be an army leader?

    Me: I have a clan of nearly more than three hundred people and their warriors. I can incite a rebellion of my own and reinforce them from a null chamber. With that, I can transport to different locations visited in the past and gather up as many fighters as I could.

    Crystal Cheung: I wonder if Radnor has a spare one? His military base seems to be expanding every day.

    Me: There's more than just him alone.

    Crystal Cheung: What do you mean?

    Me: Radnor mentioned UEC---United Earth Confederacy---and the Dominion Task Force. Probably those fleets will try to combine their strengths with Radnor's and crush Crassus' empire into tiny bits.

    Crystal Cheung: I have some friends trying to form a clan of our own. We tried to join many, but there were none that were suitable for all of us... so we formed one of our own---just the five of us. It's too bad we don't have any older siblings.

    Me: Would you like to join mines?

    Crystal Cheung: Are you serious?

    Me: Well... you do seem a bit lonely, don't you?

    Crystal Cheung: Maybe just a little, but not that much. I guess I could---

    [we stumble across an unconscious person]

    Me: What the hell happened?

    Crystal Cheung: Is she alright?

    Me: [wish]

    Crystal Cheung: [defibrillator]

    Katherine Crane: [groaning in pain]

    Crystal Cheung: What happened?

    Katherine Crane: I was.... I was.... I was fighting with someone.

    Me: Who? [wish]

    Katherine Crane: A person who is part of the undead forces. He says he works for Grandmaster Denzel Crassus. [she gets up on her feet]

    Crystal Cheung: [rock armor] I'm Crystal Cheung, by the way.

    Me: You may call me David.

    Katherine Crane: I'm Crane, Katherine Crane. I was with a crew recently.

    Me: Well, where are they now?

    Katherine Crane: I told them I'll meet back with them later after I find something useful in this ruined place. I guess there isn't anything useful around here after all.

    Me: Well, whatever it is... it could be lost or gone. But never mind that.... you were fighting with one of Crassus' cohorts, recently?

    Katherine Crane: He's a tough one. And he's got several of his friends with him.

    Ryu Kuronagi: [emerging from the shadows] Let's just say I have many of them.

    [the three of us turn around]

    Katherine Crane: YOU!

    Ryu Kuronagi: Yep... me. Kat, my dear, when will you learn to surrender and give in to the undead?

    Me: Her? Give in? Like that will ever happen!

    Ryu Kuronagi: Well, well, well..... we meet again, David.

    Me: What are you up to now?

    Ryu Kuronagi: Let's just say I've reinforced myself with more brothers in arms.

    [Ryu's men come out in the shadows]

    Ryu Kuronagi: Meet my soldiers. Meet another cohort of Crassus---Sho Tsuzumaki!

    Sho Tsuzumaki: So.... these are the members of the animated resistance, huh?

    Ryu Kuronagi: They're here to do whatever it takes to try and stop us from building the most greatest empire this world has ever seen!

    Sho Tsuzumaki: Grandmaster Crassus won't be happy if he sees this.

    Me: Whatever you guys are planning, we're here to crush you morons into tiny pieces!

    Katherine Crane: I won't lose to you guys the second time around!

    Ryu Kuronagi: Oh, really? Well.... Sho and I have some men to deal with the three of you. [eight of his renegade soldiers come out] I won't hesitate for another rematch with the three of you.... and I know I am not alone this time. Besides, I may have lost to David earlier, but I shall have my revenge right now!!!!!

    Me: I'm more experienced than you dummies. See if you can keep me down and out! [pulls out sword]

    Sho Tsuzumaki: [battle stance, holding sword also]

    Ryu Kuronagi: We shall see about that, Dave.... we shall see!

    (End of Chapter 6, Part 2)