• The Demon Inside Me - Chapter One - Evil Inside You

    How could you run from yourself?
    To have the most terrifying thing that you can imagine being inside of you?
    Most people in those occult books say that its unbearable.
    But they never know for sure until they feel the presence of evil inside them. The people who study demonology say that if you prayed and went to church the chances of having a demon inside you was impossible because God was watching over you.
    They Were Wrong.

    The Demon Inside Me - Chapter Two - Me Myself & I

    Most people loved me, others hated. On second thought, maybe most hated me. Oh well I know for sure that it was the girls who hated and the boys who loved. The thought brought a smile to my lips as I walked out of Abigail Rose High School in Lake Angules, Michigan. The smallest town in Michigan with a population of 327. Oh by the way my name is Violet Saye, the most beautiful senior girl in Abigail Rose. Sure it might sound stuck up but its true and you cant ignore facts. Thats why girls hated me because they were jealous of my dark green eyes, my skinny figure, and my sassy smile. I was getting ready to drive off when someone tapped on the window. It was Bethany Harx, the school nerd. I ignored her for awhile but then she held up paper with a note on it.
    I would be afraid if I were you. Meet me at The OverPass in Dearborn. If your not scared.
    I looked in shocked at the note and quickly rolled down the window.
    "What the heck? Cant we meet at StarBucks or something?"
    I almost screamed the words at her because the thunder outside was very loud compared to my small voice. I expected her to say something but she just smiled and walked away. I rolled up the window quickly and left the school parking lot.
    What was that note about? I have been rude to her lately, maybe she wanted to talk? When was I supposed to meet her anyway? I was so busy in my thoughts that I didnt hear my cell phone go off. I picked it up and flipped it open.
    I waited for an answer but after to minutes no one said anything on the other line.
    "Midnight. Dont be late."
    The line dropped and I set the phone down carefully as if it would explode.
    Midnight? Okay ill be there. I thought this as I drove into my driveway. I got out the car and walked up to my room and checked the time.
    8:00 pm my clock said. The drive took longer then expected. I layed on the bed and soon fell asleep until my alarm woke me up at 11:30.
    I had about 10 minutes before I had to leave so I looked up this overpass bridge she was talking about. It turned out that its said to be haunted. I didnt believe in the ghost stories. I finally got in my car and started driving. The bridge wasnt too far but still pretty far. I got out to see Bethany standing there. She she motioned me to come be where she was standing. I walked up on the steep hill and looked at the violent looking waters below.
    "So what do you want?"
    I asked calmly instead of screaming in her face.
    "You've been mean to me since the 6th grade."
    She didnt look at me and in the moonlight she actually kinda looked pretty in a non homo way. She had blue eyes that always looked sad, pale skin, and rosey cheeks. But still she was just another nerd.
    "Yeah so?"
    I could tell that I hit her last nerve because then she faced me and her eyes were full of anger while mine were full of fear.
    "Goodbye, Violet Saye."

    The Demon Inside Me - Chapter Three - Unbearable Pain

    She smiled then she pulled a large rope out of a duffel bag that was by us and tied me on a tree. screamed but her hand just caught my mouth before a sound came out.
    She started muttering words in Russian and pulled my shirt up to my belly button and carved a 6 pointed star with the knife. It was unbearable pain throughout my stomach and i knew that Bethany was doing something to me.
    She then stabed me multible times in the chest until she was sure I wasnt breathing. Then she got up and left after throwing the rope and the knife into the river , leaving me limp and hopeless on the ground. That was the last thing i saw before everything went black.


    I opened my eyes and tried to get up. It was a failed attempt.
    I stumbled through the forest by the bridge until i col look at myself in the water. I was covered in my own blood, in pain, and my hair was damp and clumpted together. And i had a searing pain in my throat but i felt different, not like myself. I walked down the road when I saw a guy named Coby from my school walking on the other side. He looked at me and gasped.
    "Woah, Vi! What happened?"
    He started walking towards me, i was happy he was coming my way, i wanted him to. When he was in arms length i got a wiff of his smell, it was lusious and made me drool as he came closer.
    Then I took my hands and put them on his ears.
    Then knocked him down with all my might. I was stronger now for some reason.
    It was all happening just too fast.
    Before I knew it I has cut a deep line from his chest to his belly button and started eating him alive as he screamed in terror.
    When I was done and I knew he was dead all he looked like was mush with teeth. He was very delious. I felt better after that and I was able to walk correctly and the pain in my thoart disappered. I looked over my shoulder for one last look and I smiled at him with my teeth coated in his blood. I turned around and walked away and that when I knew
    I Had A Demon Inside Me.

    To Be Continued With Chapters Four Through Six August 28th