Hello this is skullkillaz97! im poor and yah and hey look plannermon! A B C uhh.. what else to say? Oh yah their was a guy named fred...-hears footsteps- whoa did you here that! now im scared someone save... -doors slams right open- WOAH! Who are you??!! -the man did not reply- STOP! going near me STOP! OMG! someone call the.......................
Hello everyone this is Sasuke i am taking over skullkillaz97 FOREVER! You will never see him again! So obey me all or die like him!
U are probably wondering why i killed him. I killed him because he was not worthy enough and he tried to copy me. So i killed him
Next im gonna kill is...... KEVIN!!
-Kevin heard footsteps-
What was that??
To be continue...
the footsteps were coming closer and closer but they were gone...
Then kevin went back to work to make clones of skullkillaz97 before he dies but made a big mistake. He didnt know what happedned. O.o Then sasuke was the one who ruined the clone. He made a clone exactly like him. Then he saw kevin -he walks closer to him- Stop! comming closer -kevin ran to the sword- but before he could even get their... he was stab by sasuke.
Sasuke killed kevin because he was the creator of skullkillaz97. Now he still seeks his revenge....
Next im gonna kill is... TOBI!!!
-Tobi heard a T.V. turned on-
What the??
To be continue....
Then tobi went to see the tv. He saw spongbob on then started to watched. While he was watching sponebob,Sasuke pulled out his kunai then he went for the neck...... but tobi got of the couch and burned into flames (thats what brandon says) then sasuke was like "?".
Then sasuke found a locator machine that can track down anybody. So he typed in Brandon and found brandon.
Next im gonna kill ... BRANDON!!
-Brandon heard a phone-
uhh.. hello?
Then a person said would u like to order some pizza. Then Brandon said no thanks. Then he hanged up. Then the phone ranged again. He picked it up again. A person said do u like cheese.then brandon sasy no i guess. Then he hanged up.Then the phone ranged again. Then Brandon yelled " NOOO DONT WANT ANY PIZZA AND I DONT LIKE CHEESE"The person said "hehe pprepare to die..."Brandon was like wth. THen tried to call tobi. Their was noo signal. Then brandon dropped the phone when he hheard sounds from the window. He ran to his scythe... BUt the person took it. So he ran to find his sword but the person took it. Then when he look behind him he saw a weird person. The person was comming closer. Brandon said "HEY! GET AWAY FROM ME! AND GIVE ME BACK MY STUFF!" THe person was holding the sword and the scythe. Then he waz about to kill him. But then Kevin came threw the window and staped him with his kunai. Then the person (sasuke) said "WHAT! The how are u alive! I KILLED U! Kevin started to laugh. KEvin said" u stab my kookie not me and by the way u owe me a kookie lol ". Then sasuke took out the kunai from his body and disapeared.
Then Brandon said "WTH!What just happedned!" Then kevin said " i tell u later now lets hurry before he kills another person!"
Sasuke's mind says " How is this possible i killed that weird kid whatever il just kill someone"
"So il just kill Kylyn"
-Kylyn heard a kookie crushed-
What was that?
(To be Continue...)
Then sasuke saw kylyn saw her with nicky. O.o. Then e got his kunai. But he stoped because he heard someone coming. It was just a cat. Then he..... After what he did he got ready. Then me and brandon were running fast as we can. But then he tripped over a rock. -_- i said " how did u tripped over that". He said "idk". TThen i said "whatever come on we have to hurry". When we made it we ran through the door and we saw these old people O.o. Then brandon said " i think were in the wrong house" Then i said "oooo maybe the next one, so srry abouth that". Then we went to the next house. We saw this dead cat O.o. But brandon saw nicky dead. O.o. Then i said "NO WAY! HE CRUSHED A KOOKIE" o.O. Then brandon says " wow he crushed a cookie omg!"
Then i said " but wheres kylyn?" We saw this note it said: Srry i killed nicky i was bored. SO yah i have kylyn if u want her back then give me ur SOUL! Brandon said "WTH!" I said "ok -_-" Then brandon says "whatever we have to get kylyn" Then we ran to get kylyn back. Couple hours minutes and seconds past. We finally found her. Then i said "Wait a second!" Brandon said "wat?" I said"THEY KILLED PLANNERMON!" (kevin crys O.o) THen brandon says " HE WAS SO YOUNG! But we have to get kylyn". Then sasuke hhad a kunai. But before he killed kylyn he threw a kunai at brandon straight to the heart. Then brandon said "owwww" I said "wth?!" Then brandon fell to the floor . I said " Holy! Freak! Brandon get up!" He said " i cant he got me good pluse i wanted to die" Then brandon had a smile on his face and died. Then Kevin gwas to weak to do anything. Then sasuke said "haha u fool no one can kill me" I said "is that y u killed him because u think ur tough" He said "if u thinking fighting me dont u will die" Then he also said " well say goodbye to ur little friend kylyn" Then i got freaked out. But he threw his kunai staight for her. I was too late... Then kylyn died right in front of me. Then i got ferious and siad"y do u kill these people" Sasuke said " dont worry u will join them. NOW DIE!
(To be continue...)
Then he threw his kunai at me. It when right into me. I got up and started walking to him. He said "what the u r post to be dead now! No ne can survive that" The i was dropping blood everywhere . I said " IM GONNA KILL U FOR WHAT U DID!!" Then he gotten a little suprise. So he said "whatever ur trying to do u gonna die!" Then sasuke and me ran to each other and started fighting. While me and sasuke were fighting brando wass alive. O.o He was crawling to get to kylyn. When he made it he did this uhh... jutsu that was... uhh.... a HEALING JUSTU! When he did it kylyn was alive. O.o Brandon said " lets get to safety'. Then they crawled to the corner. Then sasuke did lighting blade. He went straight for me. I couldnt dodge fast. So he got me right in the stomach. I fell to the floor. Sasuke said "u fool trying to be tough tisk tisk". Then brandon got up. He said " u should die for what ur doing" Then sasuke said "but i love what im doing" Then brandon said " THEN U SHOULD DIE!" Then brandons eyes turn red which was the sharingan . He ran to not to sasuke but to kevin. He grabbed kevin and said something like "RELEASE!" Then i cough out blood. I said "what the?" Brandon said "SHUT UP! Come one we have to do our fusion!" I said "what fusion" He said " just follow my moves i said "ok". Then we landed on the floor and did that. We did something like the moon walk, then pointed our fingures, then we put them together. Now we were Keban. Pluse we have a tail! =D Then sasuke said "what the!?" Then Keban said "haha its me kevin and brandon together" Then Keban whent into super sayin, then super sayin 2, then super sayin 3, then the final one SUPER SAYIN 4! (To be contnue)
Then sasuke was like "WTH!?!??" So sasuke went into this super sayin 4 too (with a tail). Then keban said " how the heck did u do that?" Then sasuke ran super fastt and punched keban in the stomach. Then kevin and brandon unfused. Then kevin hit the wall and brandon land it on the trach can. Then sasuke did HI-DUKEN on kevin. Then kevin couldnt get up. Then brandon got up and try to use his chakara but used it all on the fusion. Then sasuke got his sword and killed brandon. O_O Then suddenly up in the sky its..a plane...a dog...my house... its POKER! But then poker got stab a million times and died. Then kevin got up and tried to hide but sasuke saw him. Then sasuke did LIGHTING BLADE!Then kevin blacked it with his arm, (which means his left arm is no useful) then he fell to the floor. Then sasuke saw kylyn and killer her too. Then kevin couldnt take this and finished this. He threw his kunai at sasuke right to his back. Then sasuke....... DIED! YAY! But then he was still alive then threw his kunai at kevin in the head. So kevin died. So it was only up to 1 person...which was..... Fred the 3rd! Then fred the 3rd turned really giant and squashed sasuke. So sasuke was killed and everyone else. So fred the 3rd saved the day. (well not really) But everyone died! YAY! Then Kevin, brandon, and kylyn were in hell! yay! ThE eNd!
P.S. Nikki was in heavan
P.S.S.Plannermon was still alive
P.S.S.S.Sasuke was in hell too O.o
P.S.S.S.S. Poker got bored
P.S.S.S.S.S.Fred the 3rd was died like Fred 2 and Fred
Random story.
Binks Sake
I made this along time ago. So DONT JUDGE ME!!! >:T
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