• Chapter Three: Family Moments
    Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for her daughter while she slept after last night’s training in the kitsune arts. The woman had not gone easy on her daughter and had used the same training methods her father had used on her, meaning that there had been much complaining and a lot of cursing. Kushina just chuckled as she stopped cooking for a moment to go and check on her daughter. The redheaded kitsune opened the door a crack and peeked in, smiling at the sight. In the last three months Narumi had changed, as her features became those that showed her kitsune heritage. She now sported two blond fox ears with white tips atop her had, that twitched in her sleep at every little sound. The girl also now had a single blond fox tail with a white tip that was currently hidden underneath the blankets. Kushina just smiled at her as she opened the door some more and looked around the room. The room was painted blue and had orange flame designs here and there. There was also a dresser with a good number of pictures of herself and her family; the room also had a balcony where the little blond could often be found at night thinking.
    Kushina closed the door back, and went back down to the kitchen to cook, when a knock at the door was heard. Kushina opened it to find Roku on the doorstep. “Good morning, Kushina, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Smiling she shook her head. “No, you’re not, I was just making breakfast while Narumi slept and Minato went to a meeting.”
    “Ah, yes, I forgot that Minato had meeting today. He will return very well informed of his daughter’s fate after this.” He responded as they went into the kitchen and sat down.
    At the mention of her daughter Kushina’s body grew rigid and downcast since she knew that the time she had with her baby girl was limited and running out. She got up to get them both some tea she had already prepared as she spoke. “Does she really have to go, I mean, we’re all so happy as we are here and I-.”
    “Don’t want to let her go.” Roku finished for her and she nodded.
    “Yes, she has to go; Kami has already foreseen the future and her presence there will be essential to restore balance to the world.” Roku told her.
    Kushina just looked down at the table a little sad. “That doesn’t make it any easier; we just got her back after all these years; only to lose her again in a few months.” As she spoke tears came to her eyes. “It’s not fair.”
    With Minato
    Minato had been called to a meeting with Kami to discuss his daughter’s rebirth into the four nations. The two of them had discussed many things but only one thing they discussed disturbed him. “What do you mean she won’t remember her time here? You’re going to make her forget about us!” Minato shouted obviously angry at the deity. Kami however remained unfazed and just sighed. “I never said she would forget about you or her mother, only her time here our realm.” He said calmly.
    Minato was now confused, he didn’t understand how his daughter would remember them if she forgot everything that happened here. “But, how…” Minato never got to finish his question since Kami cut him off answering.
    “We will plant memories of you and her mother spending time together in the Four Nations. She will remember that you are her family and everything her mother teaches her about the kitsune arts and the bending skills she will posses.” Kami said trying to assure Minato.
    “It just doesn’t seem fair that I’m not allowed to teach her anything.” Minato responded thinking she would be safer with some of his skills.
    Kami however just merely shook his head at Minato knowing what he was thinking. “She will be fine with these skills alone this much, I know.”
    Sighing Minato looked down at the ground as he thought about the last few months and the time he spent with his daughter; he smiled a little as he thought about some of the pranks the girl and her mother had pulled, his little girl was like a ball of sunshine and so many of the spirits here loved her. So he asked a question that was on both his and Kushina’s minds. “Will she be okay?”
    Hearing Minatos question Kami just smiled a soft smile, responding. “She will be fine; she will know love and kindness. However she will also know loss and sadness, hers will not be an easy path but it is one she continue to walk with hope and bringing hope to all those around her, as she guards the avatar.”
    Minato smiled as he heard Kami’s words; finally feeling assured that Narumi would be fine he walked off. He then got a determined look on his face as he thought about some things. They had found out a month ago that Narumi task in the Four Nations would be to guard and help the Avatar and what her elements were. Yes, elements, it had turned out that she had two instead of one which Roku said was not uncommon for Kitsune. Roku had said that he would train her completely in one but the other she would only know the basics and would have to learn the rest later when she went to the Four Nations. It was with that, that Minato thought that if he couldn’t teach her any of his techniques he would at least help her recreate the one she knew to work with bending, The Rasengan.
    Back with Kushina
    As Kushina cried they heard a small voice from the doorway into the kitchen. “Momma, what’s wrong, why are you crying?”
    The two adults looked up to see Narumi rubbing the sleep out of her eyes looking at them. Kushina just wiped her eyes and looked back to her daughter smiling. “Nothing sweetie, Mommas just feeling a little emotional is all, How about some breakfast?”
    Narumi just yawned cutely nodding and took her seat at the table, it was then that she noticed Roku was there sitting at the table. She immediately became fully awake and sat up straight seeing her teacher. “Master Roku, not to be rude, but why are you here?” She questioned. “I thought I had today off.”
    Roku just chuckled at his student’s reaction and nodded his head. “You do Narumi, I just thought I’d come to visit and see how your training in the Kitsune Arts is going.”
    Narumi relaxed at his words and smiled widely. “It’s going great, I’ve learned a lot, like yesterday momma showed me how to cast an illusion over myself to act as a disguise and I also finally learned how to turn myself into a fox. Momma says that I’ll look like fox kit for a few years till I grow more.”
    As Narumi continued talking about her abilities to Roku, her mother brought the food over from the stove with a proud smile on her face. Kushina then set the food down on the table and took a seat next to her daughter. She watched as Narumi’s nose twitched at the new smell that had entered her range and she began eating the food her mother fixed. Seeing her Narumi content with what she had, Kushina looked back at Roku and continued the conversation. “She is growing very well much faster than some normal kitsune, she soaking up everything I teach her like a sponge.”
    Roku just nodded at her smiling a little glad that things were going well for the small family. Speaking of family it was at this time that they heard the door open in the front and Minato’s cry of “hello”. Smiling at the fact her father was home, Narumi shot up from the table and ran toward him hug-attacking him yelling “papa”.
    Recovering from his daughters sudden attack, Minato just chuckled as he returned her embrace and looked her over, noticing she was still in her pajamas she wore at night. “You haven’t been up long have you, were you planning on sleeping the whole day?” He asked teasing her slightly.
    Narumi just looked up at him smiling and her tail swishing back and forth. “No, I was planning on seeing we could all go do something together since today’s my day off from training. So I was going to get up.”
    Chuckling Minato got down on one knee so he could look in his daughters eyes. “Is that so, well then, what should we do then Narumi?”
    “We could go to the beach, or maybe play some games together like we did a couple weeks ago. Ohh I know we could have a family prank day!”
    Minato just smiled as he listened to her list off the thing they could possibly do together, her tail wagging as she got more excited. Then he noticed Kushina had entered the room and his expression grew serious. “Narumi, why don’t you go back into the kitchen and finish eating, I need to talk to your mother about something important.” He said giving the young girl a small smile.
    Narumi just put a finger to her chin thinking it over, after a minute or two she turned to her father smiling. “Okay papa but you better keep your promise about us doing something fun today.” Minato just chuckled at the young girl as she tried to make herself look scary, like she had seen her mother sometimes, and failing miserably.
    “Don’t worry we will.” He responded ruffling her hair causing her to giggle and her tail to wag a bit. He then watched her as she ran into the kitchen to eat more, he sighed as he watched her; a sad look overtaking his happy one. Kushina noticing his change in mood walked up to her husband and put a hand on his shoulder. “Is something wrong Mina-kun?” She asked a bit concerned for what could change his mood so fast.
    Minato just sighed again as he looked at his wife. “You may sit down for this.” He told her and he began to explain what had happened with Kami and the conditions of her revival. After he had Kushina got a bit of an angry and sad look mixed together.
    “It’s not fair. So the way she’s going to remember us is by some false memories! That’s not right” she said clearly outraged.
    “No, not all her memories will be false. Some like the thing that happened a minute ago will still be there, but they will be adjusted a little.” He reasoned with her trying to get her to calm down.
    Kushina however just pouted and turned her head. “It’s still not very fair.” She whispered it so it could barely be heard, but Minato caught it and embraced his wife. “I know it’s not fair, but she will be happy I think, as her parents, it would be would be wrong to deny her the right to be happy.” He told her.
    His wife looked at him with a small smile as she thought about his words. “You’re right, if anyone deserves to be happy it’s our little girl.” She said getting out of his embrace. “Now what do you say we go keep that promise you made to our little girl.”
    Minato just nodded. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
    Now that’ s a good ending if I don’t say so myself. Narumi’s time in the spirit realm will end in the next chapter also I still need votes of who Narumi should be paired with and I’m adding someone to the poll. I know some people may not remember him but I’m adding Jet to the poll. Also i want more people to comment on the story and give their suggestions to some things. One more thing I need to know if there’s a site I can go to get the script of what the characters say in Avatar so I can make adjustments and keep it close to the storyline. Thanks. Till next time Ranger out.