- A small flick of a tail, a twitch of the nose. And before me stood a curious thing I had never seen before. It looked brown, spotted, but not on purpose. I approached it cautiously, I didn't want it to attack me. My nose caught a bitter smell coming off of it, like rotten grapes. The tall linings of the wall rose above me, blocking out much of the light, so I couldn't catch what was tattoed onto it's back. The pipes around me splashed, the Hands were moving again. I call them the Hands because thats all I'm ever able to see of them. Giant hands reaching out to grab me or my family... It's so scary. But if this bitter smelling thing is one of their pets I may be able to use it as ransom! Ah ha! With this thing I can scare them into leaving us alone! Finally! With this thought in my head I moved up to it slowly, I spoke to it. "See here," I squeaked. "if you come with me nicely, I'll treat you as a friend, but if you don't..." It made no move towards me, nor any sound. So, I pounced on it, using my claws to scratch at its dry skin. The skin came off easily, but there was no blood. The more I scratched; the more skin I found. This must be some skin growing monster! I thought. I jumped off of it, waiting for it's counter strike... Nothing. I was angry, now. It didn't think of me as a worthy oppenent. Fine then, I thought, if he was to be this way then he can go find someone else the will share food scrapes with him! Hmph! I turned around, swished my tail at him and stormed off. I am sure he regretted not coming with me...
- by AmayaUta12 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/30/2010 |
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