• She gazed out the window, her hair blowing in the wind like fire, uncontrolled and emotionless. The raindrops fell to the ground in soft pitter pattering motion, and fell almost as thought time itself were slowing. Her long blonde hair was covered by a small orange fox hat with black-tipped ears. Her bangs covered her eyebrows and just nipped her eyelashes. She had enourmus luminecent gray eyes, that shone even in the dull room she sat in. She wore a black ribboned gothic lolita dress and lived in a three room house all alone. she sat on a cob-web ridden black tuffet, which she has put metalic gray ribbons and lace on. She stared out the window, her gaze fixed apon a boy about her age, sitting in the rain by a willow tree and looking at a grave. It had been dug just that day. The girl then put the large blood drenched dagger on the floor and walked to the other room.