• I knew it was a mistake to love him, for him to be in every thought of mine... But I never expected it to be a mistake that would wind me up in the hospital... Elizabeth reflected on her choices of the past few months with the guys she had grown to love. They both had made mistakes but they were willing to accept each other even with those mistakes in their pasts.
    "Daniel this isn't right, you're with her... We are friends but we are not dating. What happened between us was a mistake and both of us know that," She could see the rejection wash through him and she couldn't help but feel sorry. "I'll see you and Kelsey at Prom, okay?" She hadn't been planning on going for a while but was soon told if she didn't go then she was going to be hunted down and dragged by her hair to prom...
    Elizabeth didn't hesitate as she got into her car and left the kid she loved sit with rejection at the park. Prom was going to start in a few hours and she needed to get ready. This is going to be the worst night of my life and I know it. I can feel it low in my guy but it's there.
    She made it home and got ready in time for prom. Her floor length dress catching on everything she walked near. Her make-up was already smearing as the thought of not being in Daniel's arms brought tears to her eyes. She tried to push the thoughts to the back of her mind and it worked for the time being.
    She arrived to prom as one of the first people there. She was a little relieved as she tried to avoid seeing Daniel and Kelsey together. They weren't here yet so she began to relax a little. She danced with a friend for a little while. But only for a moment did the peace stay with her.
    She didn't notice anything was wrong until she was pulled to the ground by her pony-tail. She heard a familiar voice that she recognized as Kelsey's best friend. "You almost broke them up, you deserve to get the crap beat out of you!" She got on top of Elizabeth, throwing punches as she said the words. Elizabeth ended up falling unconscious.

    Daniel and Kelsey arrived to Prom pretty late but as they pulled into the motel that it was held at, there was an ambulance loading a girl in a floor length red dress. Daniel recognized the dress and his jaw dropped. "Who did you tell?!" He yelled furiously at Kelsey. Kelsey smirked and shrugged her shoulders.
    "Guess the b****h got what was coming to her, she did almost break us up," Kelsey stated as she grabbed on to Daniel's arm. He immediately pushed her off.
    "Elizabeth had no commitment to you, if you needed to be angry at anyone it should be me. If you needed to take it out on anyone, it should have been me... Not her!" His eyes raised in fury at the small figure who was just attached to his arm. "Get out of my car!" He yelled and she obeyed.
    He followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital.

    Elizabeth eye's were forced open, her body hurt everywhere. She noticed a figure in the room, one that she was hoping to see and a smile spread a crossed her face."what are you doing here?" She mumbled.
    "You really think I'm going to make you spend prom alone?... I'm here because I know what happened and I needed to tell you that Kelsey and I are through," Elizabeth's face lit up with excitement and pain. "I also needed to tell you something else.... Elizabeth, I love you."