• http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1759571267

    13 years ago... 4,748.14858 days... To me, it seems like just yesterday. My father and my brother tied us, my momma, and my big sisters, the twins, Flora and Fleur, up and threw us in the car. He has screaming about a mental instatution. My sisters and i thrashed a fought and earned punches, slaps, a fat lips, but my mother just sat there, glaring at my father. When my brother, Ronan, retreated to the house for a moment, she finally spoke.

    "David, you know you can't lock us up! We're perfectly sane. And you know Ronan is one of us. Just wait a couple years, he'll be stronger than Demi is now. Think of how strong our little Demi will be...she's the most gifted witch i've ever seen!! Can't you just accept this as a blessing and leave us be?"

    "You're a heathen! Ronan will never be like you!" He spat. He straightened up as my big brother returned.

    "Ready to go Dad?" He nodded and started the car. We speddown my familliar street which i only remember now as Wiccan Street, which is incredibably ironic seeing the state we were in...
    We raced down the highway and made it into town. The car began to slow at a red light and I wriggled my hands free. My brother was watching me, so I knew better than to use my hands; he would just grab them.
    I leaned forward and put my mouth on the handle and it swung open as we sped threw the green. I tried to jump out, but Ronan pushed me back.
    "Be a good girl and I'll bring you LOADS gummy bears tomorrow!" For a4 year old, i was an excellent liar. I simply smiled at him.

    "Really, Ronan?!" I said with mock excitement.

    "Sure thing Mouse!" He turned around and tosseled my hair.

    "Ronan, don't lie to her! She's only 4! She doesn't know that you're taking her away!" Fleur spat.

    "Yea, that's really cruel." Flora added. They had just turned 15 the day before. They were so brave standing up to him; he was 18.

    I looked at them to let them know that i, in fact, did know. They understood my plan with a wink and a nod.

    I couldn't wait anymore. I threw open the door and rolled out. I felt broken and bloody, but i had to keep moving. I heard gasps of pedestrians, but i just kept running to one of the places i knew best; the library.

    I shut my eyes for just a moment to help cut off my tears of pain, then i crashed into something solid. I fell to the floor and a hand reached out. I grabbed it and felt a jolt. Kind of like when an elemental spell backfires. It's was like a horrible pain. Only it didn't hurt anywhere- except my heart. It pounded and I just felt...warm.

    I looked at the owner of the magical hand and saw the most beautiful person my eyes had ever known. I'll never forget his face, His eyes were a vivid green and his soft brown hair fell to about his eyelashes. He was simply beautiful. And the expression on his face was a stunned one. I told me he too felt the magic.

    I was locked in his eyes for what seemed like forever. But then I felt my father's nearing prescence. I jerked my head away and ran into the builing and hid behind a case of books, muttering an incantion for invisability. But I only knew the long version.

    I was still muttering when my father picked me up by the back of my new red dress.

    "Hey, leave that kid alone!" The angel from earlier said. I kept on muttering.

    "She's not your child, it's none of your buisness!" Keep muttering Demi....

    "Then I'll take her from you!" Finished. I felt myslef vanish. The angel was stunned.

    "Damn Heathen!!!!! Look what you did!"

    "That kid is a strong witch. At least let me keep her- I can raise her with others just like her."

    "No way in hell! I should call the ward to get you while I'm at it!" The angel gave my father a look the made me gasp. It was cold, terrifying, and above all else, souless. My dad took a step back.

    "DAD!!!!" my brother screamed from outside, "They're getting away!!" My dad looked around one last time.

    "That b***h is your problem now!" and he ran out the door. I felt my veil vanish and myself reappear, just as my father peeled out. And I heard the crash.

    I ran out the doors and the man called for me to stop, that everything would be ok. But it wouldn't be. What my eyes saw was just as memorable as the stranger's face; a head-on collision...my brothers body thrown through the windsheild...my mother's twisted neck...and all the blood.