• Oh felis catus why must you be mine?
    you claw your way up my legs with razor sharp talons
    and then i snuggle up to you my dear kitty.
    You shred your way down my boudoir and spit in my face with hate
    in spite of the lavish gifts i present you with and rip my shoes to bits.

    When i come home sopping wet from rain you ever so grotesquely cough up a hairball on my furniture and then you bitterly shred my heart and watch it drop to the ground as i feed you "Fancy Feast" and drink the finest milk in trhe univese.

    When i have guests you act so different like the angel my last cat was that you brutishly slayed and replaced. i want you to go and never come back but if you do you shall be waiting waiting at my front door. You are a demonish little gnome your evil hissing echoes through the empty remains of my house.Why oh why do you belong to me?