" Here is your song sir..."
    The small shop where Jazz was working was in a mess..... she needed to tidy up. Everywhere were sprap pieces of paper.
    " Oh what a nice song you wrote my dear... I hope that your mother will have a successfull operation."
    " I am so happy you liked it. See you again later, sometime!"
    The castumer left and Jazz went to tidy up. There was a BIG mess so it was easy to tidy it.
    As she went to write another song a tear fell over her eye.

    "Do you believe in eternall love
    or the eternall hapiness?"

    All the people love this lines...but no Jazz doesnt believes in those. God gives happiness to the rich and forgets the poor and leaves them live in the eternal darkness.It is unfair but thats life. Hard with many obstacles. Hoever to pass the obstacles you need courage but its easy for the rich ones....they just buy them. MONEY the only thing that gives happiness.
    "Excuse me??"
    A man went into the shop
    "Welcome sir? Want some orange juice? I gather oranges from my garden myself today.."
    "No, nothing. I am a big fan of your work. And you are only 14-"
    " 15 sir.Today is my birthday"
    "Happy birthday Jasmin then! I would like a love poem please."
    "Thanks.Sir its your lucky day. I have finished one poem just some seconds ago.Here."
    "Oh what a nice poem! Please accept this"
    It was a large sum of money thats what she needed for the operation!
    "No sir. I cant accept this'
    " You will. Thanks for everything"
    And he left. Jazz closed her shopp and ran home.
    "MUM WE DID IT! We have the mnoney we needed!"
    And she went her mum strait to the operation hall in the hospital.