• That day...
    I applied my mascara for the second time, that day.
    Why? I asked myself...
    I tried to fight back the tears, but I knew I wasn't strong enough...
    He was gone...

    heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

    I had a crush on my first year of high school. i talked to him when i could and soon we started dating. That's when i found out that he wasn't what i thought he was. We dated for about 1 year, but not even once had he smiled at me or told me "i love you". he was silent and barely talked to me. All my friends told me to break up with him , but i always refused. I ended up lonely in life.
    he gave me a doll every day...
    and i never knew why.
    it came to the point where the only time I'd see him was when he handed the doll to me after school.
    they each looked different. and soon enough my room was filled them.
    but despite all the gifts he gave me i sill regret the day i screamed at him...
    it was like any other day... but it was my birthday.
    he gave me the doll like usual, then he turned around to leave, but before he did i asked him what today was. he said straight up with no hesitation...
    that struck my heart. and my soul faded away. but filling that space was hatred and anger.
    i threw the doll onto the street.
    "i don't want your stupid doll! I hate you!"
    he looked at me with sad eyes...
    he walked over to the street to pick up the doll..
    but then i heard a noise and saw a bright light
    i screamed his name but he refused to move from that spot...

    he died that night

    That day...
    I applied my mascara for the second time, that day...
    Why? i asked myself...
    I tried to fight back the tears, but i knew i wasn't strong enough...
    he was gone.

    that night...
    after they took the body away, i counted each and every doll...
    479 dolls
    we dated for 479 days...i cried.

    i hugged a doll.
    praying that he would come back
    but instead i heard a sound...
    "i love you"
    i squeezed the doll again
    "i love you"
    i squeezed each and every doll.
    they all said the same thing.
    then i picked up the last doll. it still had blood stains on it...
    i squeezed it..
    "I'll always love you. I would die without your love"
    That's true love crying