• The chugging of a stopping train could be heard at the Giller Train Station, Scowling a loud whistle as it slowed. The tracks whined and screeched as the brake was now set, slowing the train immediately. Steam hissed out as another loud whistle broke out, this for the second time a signal that people were allowed to gather their carry on baggage.


    A beep could be heard, along with what sounded was an intercom being used,
    "Ladies and Gentleman, if you'd please take a seat with your things, An Employee will come to you and signal you to step off."

    The Intercom cut off and people began to chatter, those that knew one another or had conversed during the Eight hour trip they'd just endured. Some seemed to be sleeping, whilst others stayed silent in their seat. All the while, the station's platform was filled with people waiting to board, and others waving signs with family names marked upon them. One seemed to stand out, A tall Butler it would seem held a sign with the name Gentura plainly wrote on it. The Butler looked.. Grim. He held no smile, but a statue-like scowl appeared of his facial features. The man had an arm crossed behind his back, as if it were proper of him. All the while he stood there, a young female seemed to watch him through the window of the train.

    --She had no choice..~

    A sigh carried throughout the last car of the train, seeming to contain only two or three people. Being the only female in their, Jane looked down at her lap after being more angered by the fact that she was being shipped off to her Great Aunt Agnes' townhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland. What for... Hell if she knew. All she could gather from the eavesdropping she did was that her parents wanted her to keep away from a certain man, and so she'd be safe with Agnes. Jane's green hues flickered over to the seat beside her, which held her small carry on suitcase. This of course wasn't the only thing she had with her, apparently she had her entire room sent to Aunt Agnes' house. A uniformed worker entered the car, Speaking softly. "You may exit the train now." Jane didn't immediately stand, and she didn't bother to hurry either. Grabbing her bag, she stood and fixed the skirt of her lilac colored dress. Shifting, she hobbled with her luggage over to the exit, stepping down, careful not to fall. The wind crept by, covering her face with dark brown hair. Drawing a hand to her face, she swept them out of her face and tucked the strands behind her ear. Looking to her right, she saw a few men unloading the train with defined luggage, that bore the symbol of her family.

    'That is a lot of luggage..' Jane thought to herself before things seemed to darken in front of her. As she turned her head, she gasped, being startled. The Butler stood there silently, having tucked the sign under his arm now. Two blunt word escaped the tight line known as his lips, "Jane Gentura." It wasn't even a questioning statement, but more a knowledgeable one. Jane only nodded as she held tightly to the suitcase she carried, not bothering to continue speaking to him. "What is to happen to my luggage?" Jane asked, and the Butler turned, not bothering to answer. As she seemed to be ignored, she saw her things being carried to a truck parked at the exit of the platform, being packed in the bed of it. Was that what Jane would be travelling in..? As she waddled with her bag over to the exit, she then saw the Butler open the left rear door, standing there as if waiting for her. As she walked up to it, he reached down and took a hold of her bag, signalling for her to get inside. Doing so, she placed one foot on the floor of the car, the swung herself gently inside, being sure to buckle herself in. Leaning against the cool leather of the vehicle, she shivered at the feel before adjusting to it. The Butler casually shut the door, before making his way to the back and placing her luggage into the trunk. The impact of the way he placed it was careful and almost silent. Jane fiddled with the fabric of her dress tracing her fingers over the patterns it possessed, which were small intricate flowers. The door to the driver's seat opened and the tall man bent to sit inside, shutting the door beside him. Jane looked at the man through the rear-view mirror, and he glanced at her, exhaling softly before he turned the key in the ignition. The engine roared, and the man shifted the gears, pushing on the gas pedal. Going forth, The vehicle made it's way to Aunt Agnes' Home.

    (Chapter One.)

    Who is this man she was sent away from..?~
    Will her Aunt welcome her?~
    What does her future hold?~