High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- BORED by niyanna_too_hot_12
- White Gloves by Lady Rezzalia
- Heart pounding painfully, mouth uncomfortably dry, I stared at the white gloves. There was no way I was ready for this, but I had to go and go my hardest. I didn't want to let anyone down.
- Fragile heart by Keladrey
- I'm sure everyone can relate.
- life sucks by icpkid7
- everyday i got mad i just said to myself it takes 42 muscles to frown but only 4 to raise your arm up and b***h smack the f***k out of them
- Game Day by Catarina Rose
- sorry to all the non-poetic loving jocks who read this (not that there are many extreme jocks on gaia), but this is a poem I wrote based on a true story, so I thought it fit best in this category and yes it's also on facebook ...
- Under the Weather by YUM _YUM _CUPPYCAKES
- uhm dont know how to explain it hm oh please don't mind my spelling mistakes or grammer mistakes i just wrote this real fast and like i'm editing it now
- Hate... by Taco lovin monkey123
- Why?
- just another love story?..... by deathnoteXmisa
- how i meet, befriended, and fell in love with my boy.
- I Hate Love by jahquan-Mule
- Exactly how i feel.. to be honest i dont even really believe in love so far.. only lust :x
- My memories when im high schoo by kakipi chikusa
- this is my memories when im highschool
- my life.<3 by TylerStfu-
- back stabbing teens and unwanted drama..
- The me and the christian kid by Reiris_00
- story, high school time, funny?
- the worst last day by The Beautiful ashley366
- everyone try's to have the best last day of school, or to go out with a bang well that's just what i did
- Let her... by XxLexxie-DollxX
- She remembers just for the next generation.
- Moon by Doomed Phyre Rose
- A depressing poem about the moon's phases
- queen bees arent always around by xXalic3Xx
- personal experience with the "queen bees" in my school
- Love and life pains by Bubblez_Are_Food
- I was writing in a horrid place of hate and heart ache
- Believing by Our_Friend_Bounty_Bear
- about a girl's love
- behavior clinic by lej3
- This is the time when I had got called to the principal office during my freshman year