High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- The night sky by The Goose is Loose
- wrote it one day with only one person on my mind some of it might not make sense to you guys but to a certain person it will.
- MY GOSH! by blessthefate483
- embarrassing moment in class
- REAL of not? by Nizely
- a girls happy end!
- Summer by Chikan Milk
- I'd be writing and making up ryhmes :/ idk if its good or not
- troy and grabiela by Serial Experimentss Lain
- please vote
- Dwelling in the Past by xXx_Windia_xXx
- I apologize for the mediocrity of my piece. The purpose of this was leaning more to an escape of inner thoughts and emotions of the regrettable decision I made in my freshman year of high school. If it may seem acrimonious or...
- Loving You by SmileyFacez
- A tragedy/ Love lost
- worst memories ever by Ihatethisforreal
- the worst memories i had in my highschool year
- Get Back were you have Through by Los Cordis
- Don't walk away Like you always This time Baby You're the only thing That's been On my mind Ever since you left I've been a mess You won't lanswer your phone I'll say it once And I'll leave you Alone But I gotta L...
- The embarrassing first kiss by Angel blood_Devil heart
- Every girl dreams of the first kiss to be romantic... Something they'll never forget... For me, I wish I could rip the memory from my head and burn it, along with any trace of the guy...
- Ergh by Pickled Snookie
- all I have to say is that is was embarassing
- fight with out teeth by lunayangie
- a fight on the hallway
- Our Funny Language by aimluvsPINK05
- i choose this because its full of educational words that help you to express and anderstand and you don't know that you're laughing :D
- Give me my Golf Ball back! HEY by Lorrieta
- Ummm yah.. it was reaallyyy funny
- uhhh.... by kuroi_chii1
- rAnDoM
- High School Love by Aurora Colette
- For the one person that I loved and at times am still very much in love with. I just wanted to share it with others to inspire them to love, even if my love didn't work out.
- stummy sickness by The Sparkling CupCake