High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- Dumb Movie by xXLiLBlackHolexX
- I thought this movie waz dumb ( i didnt see it).
- weird by Candyman The Tasty
- hate when i lost someone beacause they where cheating on me for 12 weeks
- High school memories by Destotim
- Very funny
- merry christmas principal by snitchezz--
- funny
- Potential by HouseOfFlies
- I reflect on a defining moment of my high school years.
- What Else Could Have Happened by Angellove247
- Worst DAy EverT_T
- Cheerleader blues. by Kashloggi Jones
- I am still haunted by these memories, mostly because nothing has really changed... p.s. Eventually we were rescued by the janitor.
- bum bum ahhhhhh oww!!!!!!!!!!! by i9tailed Naruto
- u ever buck up alot but this isint true?
- 3rd world isn't that bad by huss529
- my high school don`t suck
- The 11th grade homecoming by Hashi_Kyo
- This is about a very memorable homecoming dance with My boyfriend, Nathan, and I. Hope you enjoy! ^^
- Down the Stairs to the Right by Zalzie
- Embarrassing moments? Try falling down the stairs on your first day of high school freshman year!
- high school never ends by Xx_miss-fantasy_xX
- high school is the same no matter which high school u go to
- worse memory ever by ii boy boy ii
- I remeber it was may 9,2007 I was the new guy in town all the jocks hated me because there girl friends will allways come over and talk for me or trying to flurt.So I was on the toliet and the toliet paper was on the
- the gross sweaty guyz by blahsomethingblah
- gym class. every day. with guyz. sweaty guyz. pimply guyz. frizzy-haired guyz. huge nosed guyz.
- my highschool flash by edwin ace
- this is the story of my high school flash back.