Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- fnny
- The Eight Immortals by Honney Boy
- Old term paper on Chines Mythology
- Chapter 1:Love at First Fight by Venus dela Riva
- It's my first writing plz leave comment and advise.
- Facts of Life #1 by NNJA Stealth
- Verse 1
- WHY DO I LIKE HIM? by angel_littleone 57
- its about a girl, who likes this guy who is really cute but she doesnt know why she likes him, and she cant stop thinking about him.
- Green sayings by Marilyn Manroe
- Nature is important for me and all of you!
- Its Called A Procedure; Excerp by Chaos Titanium
- An Extraction from a short story written by Joseph Gonzalez, AKA Chaos Titanium. Excerpt from short story "Procedure".
- damned with the life of one by Captian Brian
- pretty much a good book thought of it about 4 days ago well here goes nothing.
- Destiny (part 1) by midnight_wolf_dream
- This a story I'm kind of in the process of writing (lol or typing...) I don't want to really spoil the read for you so all I can say is its modern AND fantasy at the same time! Please comment (encouraging comments? Please? :swe...
- Those Running Shoes by gguky
- Please Read :)
- True Emos by kitteneyejo
- This is the story of a TRUE emo, not one of those scene people, because although some of them are emo, not all emos dress like's about what you FEEL not what you wear or look like. This all actually happened to me, s...
- whahaha by im gone now TYevery1
- hahaha
- The Melody, Chap 1 by Outcast-ghosT
- I made this up as I wrote, so tell me what you think so I can see if I can be that type of writer...xDD
- by Destotim
- a new band is starting help give them tips
- What makes anything real? by xxNightmare_in_the_darkxx
- Thea was a suicidal girl living in a world where nothing made sense to her. - I am a new writer. Well I stopped writing for a long time and just started again. So please judge if you must. -
- 50 word non-fiction by Pantsu Queen
- the cliff...
- What What In The Butt? by SadistCake
- Commentary on Buttock Augmentation
- Realizations on a New Flame by Vulpexia
- Just as I finally settle in this new surounding...I find that once again i'm caught under a mix of emotions, confusions, and history slowly repeating itself. Only this time...
- Watched by colorguard7283
- i got bored in class a long time ago