• My mom had to tell me the begining years of my life. From when I was born up to what I remember. She told me of how her and my dad were hippies. How they constantly got high or drunk. How they would fight all the time and how they seemed to caught up in their own problems to deal with their infant. One time my dad dissapeard for days on end. He ended up getting drunk and cheating on my mom. After that time he dissapeard more and more. My mom couldn't take it and she was angry all the time. She told me I wittnessed some things that a child shouldn't. She would get so mad sometimes that the crib I was in would fall to the floor.
    One day the fighting got worse, the yelling got louder, and the hate grew more and more. My dad was red in the face and his teeth were clenched. His fists were tight and he looked at me. I just stared at him. I knew what he was going to do and I didn't like it. I began to cry and scream no. He didn't listen to me. I began to blame my mom. She made it happen. She made it so that dad didn't care anymore. She stoped loving him, or so I thought. He didn't leave that day because of my mom but because of my saftey. He knew he wasn't the best father and he knew they were to young for a child. They couldn't handle the pressure. They were married four years ago.. It didn't last to long unfortunatley.
    I had to watch him leave. I had to sit there and watch him pack his things and just dissapear out of my life... forever.

    Two years later my mom met Him. He just happend to be a police man. Me and my little brother were sitting on the floor coloring in our coloring books. My mom and Him happend to walk in laughing and holding hands. He smiled at us and he picked my brother up in his hands and swung him around. I stared at him strangly because he just ignored the fact I was there. I went to my mom and hugged her. She sat down and placed me on her lap and hummed me to sleep.
    The next day I was woken up by Him. He was staring at me, but the stare he gave me was anger.
    "Get up!" He screamed. I looked at him and did as I was told. I was afraid of him already. He smiled and grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the living room.
    "We are going to play a game" He said. He stood straight up and told me to stand five steps infront of him. I walked five steps back and faced him.
    "Its called the mouse and the mouse trap" He smirked at me and cracked his fingers.
    "I am the mouse trap, which leaves you to be the mouse" he said sternly
    "The rules are simple, Its simon says only if you do it wrong you dont lose right away, you take a step forward, If you take all five steps forward you lose and I get to do whatever I want to you for I win" I looked at him weird. I thought to myself but didnt see how I was supposed to win at all. He smirked again and we began to play. I was doing well for a while until I got my left and right mixed up. He smiled and I took a step forward. His hands were turning into really tight fists and he started to use words I didn't understand. Finally it was my last step and I made it.
    "Well well well look what the cat droped in. I caught myself a little mouse" He said grabbing my shoulders roughly. He threw me into the wall still holding my shoulders.
    "Its time you meet the real me child. This is a side you will not enjoy" He said to me angrily. Then he hit me across the face and smiled.
    "While your mom is away, the monsters play"