• At first sky is blue and only few fragile clouds are seen in the sky, but before you know it, heavy rain- and thunderclouds cover the sky. As fast as sky turns from amazingly bright and clear into dark and stormy, turns happiness into sorrow.
    At first things seem to be fine and everybody is happy, even though small relapses always come, and then someone close to us is taken away either by some other person, elderness or disease. Death is always part of peoples lives and you don't always anticipate how close it really is, before someone close to us leaves, or you have to leave yourself. Sometimes death is waited even for years to come, sometimes it strikes suddenly, suprising everybody, but one thing is always sure: there will always be at least one person who will be left to miss the departed and grieve. Even though close ones death hurts, there is no way to avoid it, since there is always someone who is called away from us. The emotions caused by close ones death are many times even really strong and might be that even for a long time, but usually ease at the end.
    Most common feelings are most likely shock, inability to believe that the person really is gone, anger, regret, guilt, sorrow and hope, that all that has happened was only a bad dream. Nonetheless, at some point you have to face the reality and state that the one person in question truly is gone, and that nothing will bring him back, not one of the tears shed because of his death, the most strongest desire or hope, all the love that has been felt for him, and is most likely still felt, or none of the prays, pleas, spells or curses.
    All that can be done after all for that person after his death is to remember him with warmth, respect his memory and remember all the good and bad times that has once been gone through together. No matter how badly close ones death hurts, life will continue, even in the middle of the storm of emotions, but no one should never give up because someone close is gone.
    Cherish every memroy you shared with him, every moment you went through together, but don't live in them. I don't think none of your close ones wants you to stay still, not wanting or being able to go on or take your own life. Even though the person is gone, his memory lives in the hearts and minds of all those whose loved and close one he was and who were close to him.
    One door is closed, someone leaves us and new door opens. This new door is the one through what the grieving must go through sooner or later, and continue her life. Sky turns back into clear, and so even from sorrow new happiness is born, sooner or later.