• Hello everyone.
    In 2006, I made an account named Jaeie. I mixed some letters together, and loved what I saw.
    My mom told me I would forget the username.

    I never did.

    Jaeie had yellow hair, the old starter kind that looked flowed down your back. Blue eyes. I remember one outfit I gave her then, even today. Vividy.

    I participated in the 'orphan care' thing. I didn't care much for gold, I just had fun.

    Then I did care about money, and raised 10,000 gold. I was VERY proud of myself.

    This year, 2008, I was hacked twice. Jaeie, my favorite account, had all my monthly collectibles gone. Everything.

    I changed the account name. I gave all my last stuff too a different account, my last account.

    It was hacked two weeks later.

    I was highly suspicious of my friend, who was a gaian obsessed with looking good and being best.

    I still am.

    We made an account together. To share.

    We raided our old accounts.

    This week while playing on the account, I recieved my prized hacked Dreamer's Dust on the new account from an 'anonomyous benefactor'.

    I made a new account. This account. The new Jaeie. Since I had changed my old Jaeie's username, it was once again free for the taking.

    I got Dreamer's dust back.

    I am still missing my Kitty Slippers, Black long-stemmed rose, 500 gaia cash, Jack'd skirt, and many more. Plus 30,000 gold.

    Thank you for reading.

    And please don't hack.